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Begin with in a sentence

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Sentence count:200+5 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2016-07-17Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: to begin withbeginat the beginningdown withat the beginning ofget on within comparison withwith
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(1) If a man will begin with certainties, he shall end in doubts, but if he will be content to begin with doubts, he shall end in certaintics. 
(2) There were six of us to begin with, then two people left.
(3) To begin with, she is too young for that kind of job.
(4) The proceedings will begin with a speech to welcome the guests.
(5) The Olympic Games begin with a parade of all the competing nations.
(6) You aspire to do great things? Begin with little ones.
(7) You are wrong about the facts to begin with.
(8) Proper nouns begin with a capital letter.
(9) We can't go. To begin with(, it's too cold.
(10) I liked it in America to begin with.
(11) To begin with he was Prince Charming.
(12) To begin with, let's look at Chapter 3.
(13) To begin with, I don't like his attitude.
(14) Begin with this one and do the others afterwards.
(15) Could I begin with a few formalities?
(16) Shall we begin with a prayer?
(17) We'll go slowly to begin with.
(18) She is very honest, to begin with.
(19) I have to begin with an apology.
(20) First of all[], could I begin with an apology for a mistake I made last week?
(21) To begin with he had no money, but later he became quite rich.
(22) Knowledge begin with practice.
(23) Well, to begin with, he shouldn't even have been driving my car.
(24) To begin with, we must consider the faculties of the staff all-sidedly.
(25) The hotel was awful! To begin with, our room was far too small. Then we found that the shower didn't work.
(26) They were desperately in love to begin with, but I think it's starting to cool off now.
(27) I'm not going. To begin with I haven't a ticket, and secondly I don't like the play.
(28) To begin with, I'd like to tell in brief the importance of the work.
(29) It was fine to begin with and then it started to rain.
(30) 'I'm thinking of a country in Asia.' 'What does it begin with ?'
More similar words: to begin withbeginat the beginningdown withat the beginning ofget on within comparison withwithwithoutgo withwithindo withgo withoutdo withoutbear withwithdrawmeet withplay withlive withtalk withwith youngcope withdeal withagree withcome up withalong withend up within line withput up withtogether with
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