Similar words: slow and steady, bedspread, stead, steady, instead, steadily, unsteady, homestead. Meaning: n. the framework of a bed.

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1. He hooked his feet on the bedstead and sat up.
2. Eliot was stretched the length of his iron bedstead.
3. An iron bedstead, skewed across a smashed floor; a torn curtain.
4. She peered over the edge of the bedstead and saw a cliff of bedcover stretching endlessly to the stone floor.
5. For all this time the bedstead had been her throne.
6. A bedstead and a long-broken twin tub washing machine, hang together in this contorted web.
7. A loose brass knob on the bedstead rattled.
8. The frivolous gauze account on bedstead.
9. The bedstead is much about my size.
10. Bedstead is statuesque downy, line is not broken fluent.
11. If the metallic bedstead like cirrus twines feminine dream.
12. Over the bedstead hangs a douche bag which he keeps for emergencies – for the virgins whom he tracks down like a sleuth.
13. Window wide open, no curtains and a narrow iron bedstead that looked no more comfortable than the one he had himself.
14. Cream voile has been lavishly draped around the metal four- poster bedstead to make an attractive centrepiece.
15. He reached a junction only to find that the right-hand alley was blocked by a rusty bedstead.
16. He spotted her clothes hanging over the bottom rail of the iron bedstead.
17. She lost her balance and fell back on the old iron bedstead, pulling the old woman off her feet.
18. You glance over the thick tubes that make up the emperor-size brass bedstead, and smile.
19. The playpen includes an enveloping part and a foldable bedstead. The enveloping part covers around the foldable bedstead.
20. Traditional lie in bed is commonly board board rectangular double bed , formally also nothing more than it is ligneous,( iron makes bedstead match with spring-mattress.
21. Original intent not hereat , fluctuation mattess than common bedstead, prolonged the life of mattess.
22. So I promised to bring some bedding, such as bedrolls, bedspreads and a bedstead next time.
More similar words: slow and steady, bedspread, stead, steady, instead, steadily, unsteady, homestead, in stead of, instead of, steadfast, unsteadily, steady state, feedstock, bedside, united states, preferred stock, lead story, head start, headstrong, united states constitution, roadster, closed system, steam, steal, steak, steamy, pound sterling, stealth, steamed.