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Be concerned about in a sentence

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Sentence count:42Posted:2016-09-21Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: concernconcerningbe considered asconcertbe connected withconcedeconceptconceive
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(1) The government is reported to be concerned about the growing insurgency in the South.
(2) Q.. Are there reasons to be concerned about allowing a third party to tap into my bank account?
(3) But we have to be concerned about the policies Republicans are putting forth, anti-choice, anti-environment, anti-women.
(4) Do we need to be concerned about moisture formation with the new cabinets?
(5) You'd think the government would be concerned about people sleeping rough, but they just don't want to know.
(6) Employees are bound to be concerned about their future prospects should they decide to relocate.
(7) At the time, both departments were understood to be concerned about potential tax losses and a steep increase in collection costs.
(8) Therefore a leader must be concerned about tasks and human relationships.
(9) Safety is not the only issue to be concerned about, however.
(10) They all seem to be concerned about my security.
(11) Why should anesthesiologists be concerned about nausea and vomiting?
(12) More and more are beginning to be concerned about our natural environment.
(13) The company philosophy is to be concerned about both safety and efficiency.
(14) People began to be concerned about the air pollution here.
(15) Should also be concerned about the broad masses of believers effective production and living( concerned about.html), to understand the difficulties they face.
(16) Afternoon be concerned about the amount of energy change, discriminant rebound effort.
(17) Some millionaires continue to be concerned about money when they become millionaires.
(18) More and more people begin to be concerned about our natural environment.
(19) Hrebiniak: Well , I think that we should be concerned about it.
(20) The government's claim to be concerned about unemployment is sheer hypocrisy.
(21) Recently, the unit volume strength again, may be concerned about.
(22) What is white dust and should I be concerned about?
(23) I can't understand why anyone be concerned about open water.
(24) It is not untypical of girls of her age to be concerned about their appearance.
(25) This aggression is the real issue the world should be concerned about. We want to keep that in focus.
(26) Many gentiles agreed that the Latter-Day Saints had good reason to be concerned about holding on to their Kingdom as a preserve.
(27) They were too baffled to be disappointed[], too befuddled to be concerned about the conference championship implications.
(28) The Unit has recently been a rapid decline after the obvious short-term oversold , PE, PB low valuation advantages begin to be felt, can be concerned about the concussion in the bargain.
(29) BRIN : It's an important issue, something people should be concerned about.
(30) Nine to 18 months from now, I think we'll be right back in the food inflation cesspool. I think that generally speaking it is something we should all be concerned about.
More similar words: concernconcerningbe considered asconcertbe connected withconcedeconceptconceiveconceitedconceptionconcentrateconcentrate onconcentrationconcentratingone dayInterneteconomic recoverybecomewildernessaboutbecome onego aboutget abouteastern europecome aboutknow aboutset aboutcare aboutforget aboutjust about
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