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Attach in a sentence

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Sentence count:264+8Posted:2016-07-16Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: addaffixconnectfastenincreasejoinput togetheruniteAntonym: detachSimilar words: attach toattackat that timegottacottagepittancevendettastackMeaning: [ə'tætʃ]  v. 1. cause to be attached 2. be attached; be in contact with 3. become attached 4. create social or emotional ties 5. take temporary possession of as a security, by legal authority. 
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121. But it makes the whole idea of the endowment more real to attach a name to the donor.
122. If you're working within a confined space, simply attach the Steamatic accessory adaptor to the short handle extension.
123. Fill it out and attach the original receipt from the ticket.
124. If we are exposed to chickenpox, our bodies will produce an antibody that will attach itself only to a chickenpox virus.
125. The former system involved the operative having to attach more than 20 bands at a time to hold a mould in position.
126. Use Post-its to attach the total amount you owe to your refrigerator or dashboard.
127. Secondly, there is a temptation to attach a diagnostic label to each condition so that it fits neatly on the problem list.
128. The muscles are strengthened by an increased flow of blood, as are the ligaments that attach them to the bones.
129. We each attach a bracelet to our wrist then press the palm of our other hand on to the metal pad.
130. It took a couple of minutes to attach the trailer to the back of the truck.
131. Will the virus attach to lung cells in cystic fibrosis patients, who typically have lots of mucus in their lungs?
132. Attach the tongue in the mouth using a little royal icing to secure.
133. Instead, our desires reflect the collection of values that we attach to our humanity.
134. Louisa gradually learned to attach colors and images to each element in a story.
135. Creatures like sea stars and anemones attach themselves firmly to rocks.
136. Please attach any additional material such as promotional literature or press releases.
137. Use a similar hooked connection to attach the Earth wire and the wire leading from S1 to the solder tag.
138. Fukuyama is unlikely to attach much weight to Liberation theology,[] which he would no doubt classify as a doomed subspecies of Marxism-Leninism.
139. Attach my tiny shaving kit to my tinier toothbrush pouch and insert them into my Stuffed Shirt Case.
140. Using drawing pins, attach the top edge to the pelmet board.
141. Pluralists, in fact, attach much significance and power to action involvement, and skill in the political market place.
142. Particular molecules will attach themselves to the enzyme surface so that atoms can be transferred rapidly.
143. Fix the batten in place with angle brackets, then attach the blind with touch-and-close fastener.
144. In electrolysis you attach a battery to two metal electrodes which are dipped into a sodium chloride solution.
145. They will attach several experiments on the exterior of the outpost.
146. Additionally, these straps can sometimes be used to attach extra side pockets.
147. Attach the post anchors to the posts, making sure the post bottoms are cut square and treated with extra wood preservative.
148. I craved the knowledge of what it would be like to attach myself to an alien culture for an extended period.
149. Often, they said, a captive woman would try to attach herself to one leader to avoid repeated gang rape.
150. Cover the batten and attach the opposite side of touch-and-close fastener, as Method 1.
More similar words: attach toattackat that timegottacottagepittancevendettastackeachintacttactictacklecoachreachteachbeachteacherpreachobstacleget acrosseach otherreach outcut acrossput acrossspectacleeach timeapproachbleachingspectaculartake a chance
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