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Arthur in a sentence

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Sentence count:298+13Posted:2017-10-17Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: arthurianmacarthurdouglas macarthurthursdaylast hurrahorthodox churchfartherearthMeaning: n. 1. elected vice president and became 21st President of the United States when Garfield was assassinated (1830-1886) 2. a legendary king of the Britons (possibly based on a historical figure in the 6th century but the story has been retold too many times to be sure); said to have led the Knights of the Round Table at Camelot. 
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211. Arthur Toga, a brain-mapping expert at the University of California, Los Angeles, who didn't participate in the study, called the work well done and the statistical results strong.
212. Until that time, Arthur was well-regardedby many in the Ministry, including Department heads like Ludo Bagman, BartyCrouch, and Amelia Bones.
213. The story of King Arthur became part of oral tradition.
213. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
214. A certain amount of care or pain or trouble is necessary for every man at all times . A ship without a ballast is unstable and will not go straight. (Arthur Schopenhauer.
215. Lancelot: Arthur, you fight for that will never exist. Never . There will always be a battlefield.
216. Arthur Waley, a Cambridge classicist who taught himself Japanese and Chinese, produced the first English translation in six instalments between 1925 and 1933.
217. James Garfield offered the vice presidential nomination to Chester Arthur of New York.
218. Recent alarm over the expanding role of the state, said Arthur Kroeber of Dragonomics, an economic forecasting firm based in Beijing, is mostly "perception catching up with reality."
219. Olivia Arthur is an English photographer, she is new nominee Magnum 2008.
220. King Arthur and Queen Guinevere were very happy together. The people loved their beautiful queen.
221. But some people were ready to believe the worst about Vice President Arthur. They knew that many of the vice president's political allies disliked President Garfield.
222. But it's also frustrating not having Darrell Arthur ( pectoral surgery ) here.
223. President Arthur also found himself faced with an unusual problem. The government was earning more money than it needed.
224. After languishing unpublished for almost 130 years, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's first novel is set to be released for the first time this autumn.
225. Confronting sin, Arthur struggles against the conflict of humanity and godhood, and finally comes to confess his sin and repent in the call of God's grace, hence attaining atonement in his death.
226. Then the legends of King Arthur and the Holy Grail were collected in the 15th century by Thomas Malory for his Le Morte D' Arthur which gave the body of legend its classic form.
227. Arthur Miller wrote of Steinbeck, "I can't think of another American writer, with the possible exception of Mark Twain, who so deeply penetrated the political life of the country."
228. Arthur was sent to Germany where he was trained in advanced fighter tactics by the German Luftwaffe at its Fighter School at Bie Munich .
229. After nearly five years of recovery and rehabilitation, Major Arthur Chin was reinstated to flight status and returned to operational flying in China.
230. In every state and city I visit, there is always a museum—or many of them—recording local history. Even at Port Arthur great care is taken in preserving one of the darkest periods of the exiles.
231. She met playwright Arthur Miller through the Strasbergs, and they become close over a year's time.
232. The Laffer Curve. In the 1970s the young economist Arthur Laffer proposed a wild idea.
233. I name the male Arthur after the legendary monarch who loved falconry.
234. After reading the book about King Arthur he became almost exclusively Sir Lamorace de Galis.
235. Arthur Ashe, the famous tennis player was dying of AIDS.
236. Hungary-born British writer Arthur Koestler's Darkness at Noon is one of the most famous political novels in Western literature.
237. Madonna attends the premiere of her new film, Arthur and the Invisibles, in London's Leicester Square.
238. The largest stadium was named after another tennis champion, Arthur Ashe.
239. They showed a strong prejudice against Arthur and they did not give him a fair hearing.
240. In the books by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, his friend, Dr Watson, describes Holmes as “eccentric, with no regard for contemporary standards of tidiness or good order.
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