Similar words: aristocrat, aristocracy, aristocratic, bristle, bristled, bristle at, diarist, monetarist. Meaning: n. one of the greatest of the ancient Athenian philosophers; pupil of Plato; teacher of Alexander the Great (384-322 BC).

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(61) The study of modality may date back to Aristotle, who focused his attention on modal logic.
(62) When Philip, King of Macedon , wanted a tutor for his son Alexander, he sent for Aristotle.
(63) It's almost a constitutional view about the nature of love. And in fact, Aristotle did write constitutions for a large number of city states throughout the Greek empire. That's philia.
(64) The Kantian categories differ from those of Aristotle in being subjective.
(65) Aristotle contacted the teaching of the elocution practice very closely at the time of investigating the language feeling of argument.
(66) From Aristotle to Edmund Burke, the greatest conservative thinkers have said that to change societies, one must understand them, accept them as they are and help them evolve.
(67) I have no difficulty imagining that Plato, Aristotle, or Democritus would be quite at home in our class rooms.
(68) In addition to Plato and Foucault, the list includes Aristotle, Hume, Kant, Bentham, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, Russell, and Marcuse.
(69) There is no loophole, he is as perfect a logician as any Aristotle.
(70) People have mused about the function of argonauts' striking shell-like structures at least since Aristotle suggested that the animals sail or row them like boats.
(71) Political philosophers from Aristotle to Samuel Huntington have noted that economic development and an expanding middle class can provide more fertile ground for democracy.
(72) the Greek philosopher Aristotle.
(73) Billionaire Greek shipping mogul Aristotle Onassis is credited for kicking off the private-island trend in 1968 when he married Jackie Kennedy on Skorpios, his paradise in the Ionian Sea.
(74) We make war that we may live in peace -- Aristotle.
(75) AMS Boethius 'modalities originated directly from the ancient times, particularly from Aristotle s modalities'logic.
(76) Actually an idea Aristotle had got from the pre-Socratic philosophers.
(77) Socrates Plato and Aristotle were called the troika of the western education thought.
(78) Aristotle Will Durant*, commenting on Aristotle, pointed out that the philosopher had it exactly right 2000 years ago: "We are what we repeatedly do."
(79) By the 12th century the works of Plato and Aristotle had been rediscovered and reinterpreted by the scholastics who attempted to synthesise early Greek ideas with medieval theology.
(80) What makes the class so compelling is the way Sandel uses real-life examples to illustrate the philosophies of the likes of Aristotle, Immanuel Kant and John Stuart Mill.
(81) His name deserves a prominence in our history second only to that of Aristotle.
(82) The works of Euclid, Aristotle and Averroes were translated into Latin and intensively studied at the new universities in Oxford and Paris.
(83) For the world, we benefit from European philosophers, including Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, and Erasmus, for the ideas on democracy and reason.
(84) After synthesizing previous philosophers'principle thoughts of atomism and idealism, Aristotle put forward the concept of substance definitely for the first time and gave a classic explanation of it.
(85) Aristotle not once discussed the real and feasible system, but also visualize the ideal city-states.
(86) The background of his working is from his study in Paris University, and in this period he begun his researching to the philosophy of Aristotle and the concepts about soul and body.
(87) For the great Jewish medieval philosopher, Moses Maimonides Aristotle was called by him " "the Master of those who know."
(88) B. C. Alexander the Great, a student of Greek teacher Aristotle, proclaims himself commander in chief of all Greece and spreads Greek culture to the many lands he conquers, At the time of his death.
(89) There are certainly echoes of this reading of Aristotle as a teacher of participatory republican government in the later writings of democratic thinkers from Tocqueville to Hannah Arendt.
(90) Aristotle was an encyclopedic scholar in Greek Polis crisis who wrote and attained excellent achievement.
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