Similar words: aristocrat, aristocracy, aristocratic, bristle, bristled, bristle at, diarist, monetarist. Meaning: n. one of the greatest of the ancient Athenian philosophers; pupil of Plato; teacher of Alexander the Great (384-322 BC).

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(121) In the Mutazalite tradition of Islam there was also a tendency to slide towards emanationism and pantheism, as a result of endorsing the pantheistic necessitarianism of Aristotle.
(122) If you look at the syllabus, you'll notice we read a number of great and famous books, books by Aristotle, John Locke, Immanuel Kant, John Stuart Mill and others.
(123) Politics of Aristotle: With an Introduction, Two Prefatory Essays and Notes Critical and Explanatory ( Cambridge Library Collection - Classics ) , Volume 1 Introduction to the Politics.
(124) For centuries, thinkers from Aristotle to Darwin tried to discern the nature and origins of humor, only to have their ideas trail off without a punch line.
(125) At one point in the Metaphysics, Aristotle seems to distinguish between empirical studies and deductive logic.
(126) Aristotle was the founder of traditional logic, and G-Frege, a famous mathematician of German, was the founder of modern mathematical logic.
(127) Some experts say Aristotle meant "well-being" when he wrote that humans can attain eudaimonia by fulfilling their potential.
(128) My soul whirled with Rumi, read Aristotle with Averroes, traveled through Central Asia with Nasir Khusrow.
(129) For Hobbes, Aristotle taught the dangerous doctrine of republican government that was seen to be practiced particularly during the Cromwellian Period in England, during the civil war.
(130) Aristotle identified the best activity of the soul as eudaimonia : a happiness or joy that pervades the good life.
More similar words: aristocrat, aristocracy, aristocratic, bristle, bristled, bristle at, diarist, monetarist, guitarist, plagiarist, footle, motley, bootleg, not least, rootless, spotless, bootless, bootlegging, last but not least, cystotomy, totalitarian, naris, paris, arise, garish, arisen, parish, rise to the occasion, totalitarianism, pharisee.