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Amic in a sentence

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Sentence count:9Posted:2018-09-05Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: dynamicceramicIslamicthalamicbalsamicdynamicsamicableceramics
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1, Inveatigation of the chemical cyclization of poly ( amic acid ), obtained from HQDPA and m 3 MPDA, were perfomed.
2, METHOD Colorimetry for POD activity and polypropylene amic gel electrophoresis ( PAGE ) for isoenzyme were used.
3, The poly ( amic acid ) exhibited good solubility in common organic solvents.
4, A dyn amic fuzzy evaluation model is created a discrete MARKOV process and fuzzy set theory.
5, The influence of reaction temperature, reaction time on the acid number, amic number and catio.
6, Two new derivatives of 4 - dicyanomethylene - 2 , 6 - dimethyl - 4 H - pyran and the corresponding poly ( amic acid ) were synthesized and characterized.
7, Experiments show that the two-polyurea grease with good reducing noise effect can be got with low viscidity cycloparaffin mineral oil as base oil and TDI, fat amic and cycloparaffin amic as ...
8, The phenomonon was explained in view of the mechanism of chemical cyclization of amic acid.
9, These factors should be considered while using the result of the high strain dyn amic test.
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