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Airspace in a sentence

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Sentence count:75+3Posted:2017-05-26Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: hyperspaceouter spacecyberspacespacespaceshipaerospacespacecraftspace probeMeaning: n. 1. the space in the atmosphere immediately above the earth 2. the atmosphere above a nation that is deemed to be under its jurisdiction. 
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(61) American aircraft will patrol more aggressively close to Iran's airspace.
(62) The United States could also use Turkish airspace to ferry troopssintosnorthern Iraq.
(63) Air space Airspace in northern France was closed until Monday morning.
(64) The outpour of ash from Eyjafjallajokull caused the largest closure of European airspace since World War II, with losses estimated at between 1.5bn and 2.5bn euros.
(65) LAUP enlarges the oropharynx airspace by reshaping and restructuring the uvula , velum and pharyngotonsillar pillars which can increase air flow.
(66) Rather, the flying object was identified as most likely being another example of an increasingly common nuisance in China's airspace: off-the-grid[sentence dictionary], short-hop flights by local private-plane owners.
(67) This process of image processing of some geometric transformation, filtering, time-domain transform both airspace source, is a very good program, in the hope that useful to everybody!
(68) They are widely used in airspace, missilery, microwave communication and various kinds of apparatuses.
(69) AWACS Thunderhead All enemy transports and jammers in the local airspace have been eliminated.
(70) closure of the airports of Madrid, Mallorca, Minorca and Ibiza, the Canary Islands and in the region of Galicia, as well as causing the closure all Spanish airspace.
(71) The warplanes will fly in Iranian airspace over the gulf and the adjoining gulf of Oman, a transit point for around 40% of the world's crude oil.
(72) A series of numerical experiments are engaged by running the water-bearing numerical model for simulating the cloud-seeding in the thick airspace of stratus cloud area in a depression.
(73) Mr. Lu refuted such arguments, pointing out that the incident happened in the airspace over China's exclusive economic zone (EEZ).
(74) Article 70 The State exercises unified management over the airspace.
(75) Under the same route length and deviation angle, increasing the crossing angle would also enhance the airspace time-slot availability.
More similar words: hyperspaceouter spacecyberspacespacespaceshipaerospacespacecraftspace probespaceflightliving spacespace shuttlespace stationbreathing spaceairsFAIRSstairsaffairsfair sexairsickpacespaciousupstairshairstyleput on airshair styledownstairsoutpacedespairairsicknesspacemaker
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  • Hernando 2023-02-28 14:38:13
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  • Guillermo 2023-02-24 13:12:12
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  • Fernando 2023-02-24 00:57:57
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  • Guillermo 2023-02-23 18:59:21
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  • chico 2023-02-23 14:06:42
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  • Leo 2023-02-23 14:03:38
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  • Leo 2023-02-22 14:32:25
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