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Accelerated in a sentence

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Sentence count:200+6Posted:2017-06-20Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: accelerateacceleratoracceleratingaccelerationdeceleratedecelerationcelebratedcelebrateMeaning: [æk'seləreɪt]  adj. 1. caused to go more rapidly 2. speeded up, as of an academic course. 
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121. The door slammed behind them and she listened, rigid, as the car purred into life and accelerated away.
122. At Sunbury he reached the M3 and accelerated to a reckless 50 m.p.h.
123. By 1955 export prices were down to world levels, a development which must have accelerated the scrapping of old plant.
124. We found that crying babies elicited accelerated rates on all three measures, while a comfortable baby elicited a deceleration.
125. Career advancement can be accelerated by completion of certification programs offered by the associations listed below.
126. Coordinated monetary and fiscal policies put in place to offset the effects of the stock market crash quickly accelerated the global economy.
127. Indeed, since the First World War, the development of archaeology has accelerated dramatically.
128. It demanded accelerated exaltation, accepted no instant without pregnant meanings as in epic, tragedy, comedy, or films.
129. Trailed by a cloud of exhaust fumes, he accelerated up the road.
130. It accelerated like one of those old twentieth century water-speed record breakers and hurtled over the water!
131. Globalisation, accelerated by the internet, is exposing serious flaws in the world's tax systems.
132. Popularization of news was accelerated in the 1 840s with the introduction of telegraph wire services.
133. It stood in contrast to the totalitarianism gathering pace under Lenin and Trotsky which accelerated out of control under Stalin.
134. About seven more years had been added to expectation of life up to 1901, after which the pace accelerated sharply.
135. When I was a hundred yards from Orange Three, I accelerated gently to maintain the position.
136. Devoted to public order and financial stability,[] he presided over and accelerated the collapse of both.
137. At 9, her father steered her into speed skating because she accelerated like a rocket.
138. He was driving a lorry and accelerated away, escaping with minor injuries.
139. Doubling declining balance is a form of Accelerated Depreciation.
140. Steve accelerated with infuriating slowness.
141. Political and legal opposition from those states accelerated immediately.
142. The heart rate is regularly accelerated and then retarded.
143. The divorce proceedings have accelerated.
144. The matching algorithm chosen for calculating the degree of match is a normalized correlation algorithm accelerated by pyramid algorithm.
145. Adopt innovation way, accelerated the infrastructure construction of Pearl River shipping.
146. In the analysis, we simply simulated the contact way between launder and support, which decreased the calculative amount ulteriorly and accelerated the analysis.
147. The driver stepped on the gas and accelerated the car.
148. A hydroxyl ammonium sulfate ( HAS ) accelerated phosphating process has been studied.
149. The improvement of the original 1.2m cyclotron to enhance its accelerated particles-energies with increasing main magnet exciting current and reshimming the magnetic field is described.
150. The arsenite reactions can be variously accelerated by the addition of aliphatic acids and hydroxy- substituted aliphatic acids.
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