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RL in a sentence

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Sentence count:22Posted:2018-10-12Updated:2020-07-24
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1. For a gi rl, our favorite name is Chloe.
2. The full bias voltage appears across RL 2.
3. Systematic study of the RC circuit and the RL circuit transient process.
4. As regard buying cement rl revert meantime rl it is avlbl if yr . end pls. adv.
5. In 2001, the Arnage RL, a long wheelbase limousine model,[] was launched.
6. RL circuit is taken into consideration, in which the transient current signal includes a period component varying in sinusoidal waveform and a non-period component varying in exponential waveform.
7. In the autumn of 1910, an RL Tippins hauled a Maxim machine gun to the tidal mud of the river Stour in Suffolk and fired two bursts of about 30 bullets straight up into the air.
8. RL pulse compensating network is introduced to counteract top-droop caused by pulse transformer or low capacitance of storage capacitors.
9. The total yield of RL was 56.4% (based on o-toluidine) with an amino value of 91.26%.
10. A fighter safe landing lateral-directional control method is presented based on reinforcement learning algorithm(RL), using hierarchical control of dynamical large-scale systems theory.
11. Rl stevenson director abc company now in toddy contact him at queen hotel.
12. Mr. Lee left Beijing on schedule rl be ny 101020.
13. We rl move on July 25,89 to No.187, Nanking Road.
14. In this paper, a method of average reward reinforcement learning (RL) is applied to automatically find an adaptive scheduling policy by directly optimizing the mean output.
15. Permanent violet RL is high-grade organic pigment of carbazole dioxathion.
16. The histologic analysis showed that intestine injury slighter in group HSH than that in group RL.
17. The impedance function is approximated by fractional polynomial, which is represented as a series connection of parallel RL elements (Foster form).
18. A novel reversible binary image data hiding scheme using Run - Length ( RL ) histogram modification was presented.
19. The model uses the effective impedance of the microstrip line as the value of matched resistive load and assign it into the RL mesh region in a proper proportion.
20. It has been proved that the feedback factor F and the load effect of feedback network are the function for load resistor RL.
21. All of this explained that the structure damping control technique of RL shunted circuit is feasible and effective.
22. We also discussed how use SBN to improve some present research works about speeding up RL.
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