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RIF in a sentence

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Sentence count:25Posted:2018-08-25Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: riftriffrifesherifgriftserifsheriffdrift
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1. She riffed through the items on the counter.
2. The Rif Mountains were visible as we sailed along the African coast.
3. Figure 10 also shows the standard, RIF.
4. RIF was designed primarily for the interchange of rules between rule engines.
5. RIF will dissolve as soon as the number of members has been reduced to two.
6. No person can be elected to a RIF office against the will of his national federation.
7. RIF issues the international information magazine and works on the development of the international rules and international qualifications.
8. W3C work on rules, primarily through RIF and OWL, is focused on translating between rule languages and exchanging rules among different systems.
9. These implementations were of the RIF standard as it was developed.
10. RIF is used to represent an executable form of a rule.
11. Aim To prepare rifapentine(RIF) liposomes modified by surfactants for studying their the water-solubility, drug loading effeciency, release rate and pulmonary drug delivery.
12. RIF represents, in XML, the executable form of a business rule.
13. Tribal rebellion in Rif mountains is suppressed by French and Spanish troops.
14. This way, RIF Rules Commission and Players Council will have better information about public opinion.
15. OBJECTIVE: The renal interstitial fibrosis(RIF) is almost the common pathway by which all the various chronic kidney diseases (CKD) progress to end stage renal disease(ESRD).
16. RIF delivers value because it provides interoperability between rule execution systems while preventing lock-in by rule vendors.
17. This interoperability enables users to employ various tools to create their business rules but interoperate with various rule execution systems that support RIF.
18. The setting data recommended in the section "Measuring the RIF Field Strength in the Frequency Range up to 30 MHZ"are also valid in this case.
19. It is just an hour's drive from Tangier in the Rif mountains.
20. Predictive analytics and business rules commonly use the PMML and RIF standards, respectively.
21. I hoped he would apologize to Mr Yamaguchi and resign the directorship in RIF Rules commission.
22. Different vendors have their own proprietary way to write the rules, but RIF enables a common and interoperable format for their executable format.
23. Extending from Tangier to the Moulouya River Valley near the Moroccan-Algerian border, the Rif Mountains carve up 180 miles (290 kilometers) of rugged, remote terrain.
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24. This paper presents a method of reservoir influence function, a model of general RIF is developed, linear programming approach used to solve it numerically.
25. The members must acknowledge and observe the statutes, regulations, resolutions and decisions of RIF.
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