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Liz in a sentence

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Sentence count:161+9Posted:2018-08-30Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: lizalizardidolizecanalizerealizestylizeutilizetotalize
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61. Liz and her friend sat down at a corner table.
62. Liz sat down on the bed, lowering herself carefully so as not to crease her skirt.
63. Liz adjusted her mirror and then edged the car out of its parking bay.
64. I was consoling Liz on having broken up with her boyfriend.
65. John and Liz shared the prize money between them John used his half to buy a word processor.
66. Liz travelled round the world for a year with her boyfriend James.
67. 'Sorry, Liz. I think I was a bit rude to you.'--'Forget it, but don't do it again!'.
68. I was afraid that Liz would change her mind and take me back home.
69. Liz was itching to try something different.
70. It's obvious that Paul is in love with Liz.
71. Liz mocked him,[] saying that he was a coward.
72. Mind you, Little Liz got off lightly.
73. Liz thought of an insect playing dead.
74. Liz stepped over the bottom stair, which always creaked.
75. He wanted to kiss Liz, but he didn't dare.
76. And Liz is married to my brother, after all.
77. I shall come to you for advice, said Liz.
78. I've got a meeting with Liz in a minute.
79. Liz Hurst knows all about backache already.
80. That made Liz even angrier - too angry to go and see lane.
81. Liz replaced the receiver and tried to keep calm, but she could feel panic, fever, tears approaching.
82. Anna was rubbing her arm where Liz had held it, rubbing as if the pain would never fade.
83. Seth has been carrying a torch for Liz ever since high school.
84. Initial contract Liz and her therapist arranged to meet initially three rimes and then decide whether further contact was necessary.
85. A seven-year-old brought her twin to Liz for first aid.
86. A sui - ... what you did, is a very frightening thing, Liz.
87. Apparently not, for now she was gazing longingly at the pool, then at Liz.
88. Liz ran out the front door, with Tony in hot pursuit.
89. Long before dark, Liz felt she was ready to do anything to get rid of the child.
90. In less imaginative hands, Liz - an unmarried and uncommunicative mum of a handicapped baby - would surely come a cropper.
More similar words: lizalizardidolizecanalizerealizestylizeutilizetotalizenormalizeidolizedrealizedvocalizescandalizeidealizepenalizeequalizeformalizefinalizevitalizecivilizemobilizestylizedlocalizemoralizelegalizeutilizedblizzardsubtilizevandalizeequalized
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