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Cambridgeshire in a sentence

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Sentence count:37Posted:2019-11-14Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: cambridgecambridge universitybridgescambriacambriccambrianbridgetbridge
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1 What's the current strength of the Cambridgeshire police force?
2 Cambridge is the county town of Cambridgeshire.
3 First round draw: Berkshire v Kent, Cambridgeshire v Hants.
4 A unique set of difficulties existed in Cambridgeshire.
5 But the Cambridgeshire result gives lie to the notion that nice guys can't win.
6 But having driven through this sleepy Cambridgeshire backwater this week,[] I sincerely hope they were ousted from office and then shot.
7 In April 1982 Cambridgeshire introduced a four-year pilot scheme that involved seven volunteer schools: six secondary, one primary.
8 Cambridgeshire and Solihull, however, were cited as examples of good practice by the Audit Commission in 1986.
9 Brewed by a small independent brewery in Cambridgeshire, Highway has a slightly malty flavour.
10 Chatteris in the Cambridgeshire fens might be a rare example.
11 Cambridgeshire are 134 for 6 after 55 in reply to Northants' total of 234 for 4.
12 In 1623 he was deputy lieutenant in Cambridgeshire, and in 1625, a colonel of the Suffolk regiments defending the coasts.
13 In my hon. Friend's own area in Cambridgeshire there have been no recent incidents.
14 However, Cambridgeshire voluntarily introduced formula funding in April 1988, whilst Solihull continued to oppose it.
15 Retired teacher John Lowe, of Witchford, Cambridgeshire, has been busy perfecting his pirouettes ahead of his role in Prokofiev's The Stone Flower.
16 Retired teacher John Lowe, of Witchford, Cambridgeshire, an 88-YEAR-OLD man starred in his first ballet production last week.
17 The 38 megawatt (MW) Ely facility in Cambridgeshire consumes 400,000 bales of straw to provide electricity for 80,000 homes in the area.
18 Here there is a great deal of open space, no longer necessary for agriculture, and Cambridgeshire County Council was in favour.
19 Extensive use is made of archival materials in the Cambridgeshire Record Office, field work, and census and map data.
20 There has been another substantial increase for 1992-93, an increase which safeguards the position of all children in Cambridgeshire.
21 In early 1978 the Firefly was prepared to make the long road journey to its new home in Cambridgeshire.
22 In July 1950 he asked her to drive down to Cambridgeshire and collect his son from boarding school.
23 Mr Major remained buoyant yesterday as he campaigned in Cambridgeshire, insisting that the Tories were on course for victory.
24 We photographed oxlips in Hayley Wood (look at the Cambridgeshire Wildlife Trust site for details), but you'll find oxlips in other ancient woods, particularly in East Anglia.
25 This scenario, enacted recently by the police in the county of Cambridgeshire, east England, was a training drill, but it could soon be normal at rescue scenes worldwide .
26 The early Mustang groups like the 355th (who flew this P-51B from Steeple Morden in Cambridgeshire) applied only the simplest of unit markings to their aircraft.
27 Then they sent a diagnosis survey to the parents of 11, 700 children in Cambridgeshire.
28 One of the scientists, Dr Yali Xue from the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute in Cambridgeshire, said: "The amount of data we generated would have been unimaginable just a few years ago.
29 A camera was installed on the A1134 Newmarket Road in Cambridgeshire in 1997 following five minor casualties.
30 Monday evening transfer to support the police from London: the Thames Valley, Kent, Essex, Hampshire, Surrey, Northamptonshire, Cambridgeshire, Suffolk, Sussex.
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