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Sentence count:34Posted:2018-08-04Updated:2020-07-24
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1 This function allows you to gain access to AMS.
2 AMS ( Apogee and Maneuvering Stage ) .
3 Chloroquine(CQ) and hydroxychloroquine(HCQ) designated as 4-amino quinoline are the antimalarial medications(AMS).
4 VHDL - AMS has provided behavioral level modeling and simulation method for analog and miXed - signal system design.
5 Particularly, comparing with other AMS, it also has distinctive advantage in approximation to some discontinuous functions such as rectangular pulse function.
6 Catalytic synthesis of AMS cyclic dimer 1, 3, 3-trimethyl-1-phenyl indane.
7 We were expected to test AMS on our non-production systems and report back on a regular basis, providing feedback on performance, functionality, and usability to the developers.
8 The AMS is the PLA's highest - level research institute and center of military science.
9 The core activities of AMS Group are sourcing of injection moulding tooling, plastic- and metal parts production,( including sub-assembly of components and PCB(A).
10 Several methods of isobaric identification in AMS measurements are discussed in this paper. Principles, developments and applications of these methods are also introduced.
11 AMS Boethius 'modalities originated directly from the ancient times, particularly from Aristotle s modalities'logic.
12 We then describe an entropy penalized AMS learning algorithm on Gaussian mixture.
13 Results: The AMS was mai nly concentrated in the target area ( 92.23 % ) after injection.
14 AMS radar detection range models in SOJ, SFJ and ESJ are presented after varions combat modes of airborne noise jamming are analyzed, and a model is advanced in the jointed mode of SOJ and ESJ.
15 The key problem of direct allocation method is to determine the intersection of the desired objective vector with the convex hull of the attainable moments set(AMS).
16 An injection system with fast switching technique is constructed and put into operation forAccelerator Mass Spectrometry(AMS)measurements at Peking University.
17 The new rapid determination techniques were polyase chain reaction method(PCR), volt-ampere biosensor method, automatic microbe system method(AMS ), improvement of MRS culture medium and ATP etc.
18 In 1998, a sterile mutant plant was observed in apetalous lines in B. napus L, and an apetalous mutant sterile (AMS) line was established from this plant.
19 The blood endotoxin and amylase ( AMS ) were detected.
20 In this article, accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) applications in searching for violation of Pauli exclusion principle and study on supernovae are discussed as examples.
21 Thus the model of organization and information of AMS is established both in statics and dynamics.
22 Other possible candidates include AMs Helen Mary Jones and Rhodri Glyn Thomas, and MEP Jill Evans.
23 Bacteriological identification by VITEK - AMS - 60 showed the strain CSS - 4 - 2 w as Aeromonas caviae.
24 Based on the analyses of the production planning and scheduling, this paper constructs an integrated function model of planning and scheduling for Advanced Manufacturing Shop-floor (AMS).
25 Certain products an also be certified to AMS, SAE and other standards.
26 A behavior modeling technique for the second - generation switched - current building block circuits using VHDL - AMS language is proposed.
27 Caulleryi ? on serum components of activities of LDH, AMS, ALT and concentration of RBC, Hb, Glu, TRPOT, ALB and Ca.
28 All activities, classes and workshops are designed to address the AMS concerns at language level stage.
29 For some little time the Jurymen hang about the Sol's Ams colloquially.
30 The radar detection model and the missile kill probability model of - air missile system ( AMS ) are studied.
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