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AIDS in a sentence

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Sentence count:269+16Posted:2016-07-16Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: midstaidaidebe afraid toMeaning: [eɪdz]  n. a serious (often fatal) disease of the immune system transmitted through blood products especially by sexual contact or contaminated needles. 
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241. Too many people talked at once; his hearing aids popped like corn in a pan of oil.
242. As demonstrators blew whistles and chanted on the streets, other AIDS activists got stuck into the science.
243. He noted that hopes were high for an AIDS vaccine in the mid-1980s.
244. Beyond that, AIDS patients must pay or go on Medi-Cal.
245. The women who died after taking herbal diet aids were young and very concerned about their weight.
245. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
246. So far, the global AIDS epidemic is thought to have killed 19m people.
247. In about ten years, the genes of the AIDS virus change as much as human genes change in 10 million years.
248. The best AIDS education program requires the personal involvement of management and employees.
249. His opinion has been almost universal among gay and AIDS activists even to this day.
250. Educators feared these young men were missing the AIDS prevention message.
251. All the ingredients for an AIDS epidemic that has yet to begin.
252. We tried to find out whether reactivation of T gondii in AIDS patients induces similar antibody secretion.
253. The latter includes many examples of database descriptions and search aids.
254. Many excellent simulation examples and learning aids run on desktop computers; 6 some cost less than $ 100.
255. Our educators present a personal message[], each one having had experience of caring for those dying with AIDS at home.
256. Getting governments to recognise the importance of an AIDS vaccine is as critical as getting the science right in the laboratory.
257. Optional digit cross-hatching and other solving aids.
258. War has destroyed health services in South Kivu and prevented local and international organisations from running HIV/AIDS sensitisation programmes in rural areas.
259. Venereal and main it is urethritis of sex of gonococcus of syphilis, clap, blame, acerb bleb of wet wart, genital, soft chancre, AIDS.
260. " The doctors told him to "pityriasis rosea" is a "very serious sexually transmitted diseases", the man has the misconception that "pityriasis rosea" is AIDS.
261. The last was the 2000 Durban Declaration, which reaffirmed that H.I.V. was the cause of AIDS.
262. Bionor does not plan to develop the vaccine to protect people from HIV, but as a way to give them a break from the AIDS drug cocktails called highly active antiretroviral therapy or HAART.
263. But the major question, is whether such new technologies would also benefit poor populations, such as those in Sub-Saharan Africa where TB, HIV/AIDS and malaria continue to affect millions.
264. Put differently, finding a cure for AIDS would be likely to add about 25-30 years to the life of each potential victim.
265. It is suggested that such arragement of the posterior layer may constitute a substantial muscle-linked ligamentous system which aids in the stabilisation of the flexed lumbar vertebral column.
266. Rumors inevitably swirl: iodine has been blamed for AIDS, diabetes, seizures, impotence and peevishness.
267. Since 1985, the Hong Kong found that the cumulative total of 966 AIDS cases.
268. Non-book material, from audio-visual aids, microfilm, computer, whose standard management is an important part of audio-visual education development.
269. Leaving coverage of high-level politics to other papers, Verdade focuses on the issues that affect those on Maputo's fringes: bread subsidies, electricity prices, crime in the slums and HIV/AIDS.
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