Similar words: midst, aid, aide, be afraid to. Meaning: [eɪdz] n. a serious (often fatal) disease of the immune system transmitted through blood products especially by sexual contact or contaminated needles.
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211. Chris Bennetts, senior health promotion officer for AIDS education, was actively involved in this area.
212. Since the virus can spread through blood, transfusions could account for the 25 percent of AIDS victims who are not gay.
213. Large clear diagrams drawn on sugar paper and covered with transparent film are particularly useful teaching aids.
214. He learned he had the Aids virus when his right hand suddenly went dead.
215. More distant prospects include improved vaccines for tuberculosis and childhood diseases, and possibly an AIDS vaccine, Young said.
216. Various performers will present a concert of Broadway music to benefit AIDS charities.
217. Yet it is rarely posed as a major issue of AIDS prevention.
218. Headphones are not practicable for hearing aid wearers because the proximity of the headphone causes acoustic feedback in the aids.
219. Economically, the care of AIDS patients will put a tremendous strain on our already overburdened and costly health care delivery system.
220. Computers are one of the aids to achieving effective control of costs and time.
221. Two AIDS cases have been identified from death certificates where Kaposi's sarcoma has been mentioned as cause of death.
222. The number of deaths from AIDS is still increasing in many parts of the world.
223. Scientists are claiming a major breakthrough in the treatment of AIDS.
224. Like many AIDS patients, Pieters swallows the drug combo to help his body suppress the virus day after day.
225. Maternal transmission is becoming a major problem as increasing numbers of newborn babies enter the world already infected with the AIDS virus.
226. It may delay the onset of Aids, even if only by a small amount.
227. Developing a new AIDS vaccine ranks among the most difficult of all medical challenges going.
228. And as it has had to grapple with challenges to the whole globe, such as climate change, Aids and biodiversity.
229. Clinton's AIDS "czar" resigned after being criticized by gay activists for being weak.
230. Yes, Elizabeth Taylor helps to raise a lot of money for her AIDS charity.
231. During the second semester of his first year, Craig became involved in AIDS education on campus.
232. There are now AIDS-related organizations in many communities that will assist employers in developing AIDS education programs.
233. But there are virtually no powerful forces within the gay AIDS prevention movement arguing for prevention first.
234. If pot concentrates the AIDS drugs, they could be toxic; if reduced, they could be ineffective.
234. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
235. However, in two cantatas in book 3 allusive figuration recurs in a manner that indubitably aids the drama.
236. About 70 percent of AIDS victims throughout the country are male homosexuals and bisexuals.
237. One of these AIDS victims was a haemophiliac who probably contracted the disease through infected blood products.
238. This not only augments the supply of visual aids, but is an excellent method of learning.
239. Jab hope in aids war AIDS patients are being given a new vaccine which could slow down the effects of the disease.
240. For a long time, doctors thought anti-viral drugs would be enough to stop the AIDS epidemic in its tracks.