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31 in a sentence

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Sentence count:169+11Posted:2018-08-11Updated:2020-07-24
Meaning: adj. being one more than thirty. 
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31. Vouchers are only valid for races taking place before 31 December.
32. The FTSE 100 closed 31.6 points down at 2459.3 in today's trading.
33. England took the lead after 31 minutes with a goal by Peter Nail.
34. Applications should be in by 31 October at the latest.
35. The next income tax payment is due on 31 January.
36. The treaty comes into force at midnight on December 31.
37. The company has managed to stay in the black for the year ending December 31.
38. Friday 31 July 1925 henceforth became known as 'Red Friday'.
39. He called from Weddington, having been there for 31 hours straight.
40. The public consultation exercise ends on 31 December.
41. Open 1 April to 31 October incl.
42. The closing date for entries is March 31, 1992.
43. The number of couples attending pre-marriage courses was 31.
44. The average age of Cosmo readers is 31.
45. March 31, 1991,[] was the deadline for such ratification.
46. If you add 11 and 31, you get 42.
47. Oslo likely will crest Monday near 31.5 feet.
48. The line is open daily through Dec. 31.
49. Rather than scrap the scheme, however, Mr Weld has now extended the deadline until 31 July, 1993.
50. He won 31 caps - a record which stood for 42 years.
51. Rates on benchmark 90-day deposits at major banks have fallen to 31 percent from 32 percent last week.
52. Even though all authorities met the 31 December deadline, good intentions on effective hospital discharges must still be proved.
53. In 1917, bogie car No. 31 derailed in Tamworth Road and ran into the front of a house.
54. The Company's financial position at March 31 includes $ 834.9 million of cash, cash equivalents and securities available for sale.
55. Sixty-one police officers were reported to have been injured in clashes, as well as 31 delegates and 65 demonstrators.
56. Three Foreign Ministry officials resigned but the government survived a no confidence vote on Jan. 31.
57. Alloys Figure 6.31 shows the phase diagram for zinc and cadmium.
58. Coming into the game, the third-string rookie running back had run for only 90 yards on 31 carries.
59. Selena was murdered by the president of her fan club last March 31.
60. Do not understand your message of 31.10. reporting his death from diphtheria.
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