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28th in a sentence

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Sentence count:32Posted:2017-11-27Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: 18thMeaning: adj. coming next after the twenty-seventh in position. 
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1, The sale starts on December 28th.
2, Fall semester starts the 28th of August.
3, As Woodrow Wilson, 28th President of the U.S., said: "We grow great by dreams.
4, This is a primigravida scanned at 28th week of pregnancy. These are some images we obtained. No other anomalies were found.
5, On September 28th, after more than four years' work on a 307km-long (191-mile) waterway costing more than $2 billion, Beijing began receiving its top-up.
6, Friday, May. 28th sunny Today my little maidenhair has grown up a lot better and I really hope it can continue to grow, the longer the beautiful.
7, 28th Jun 2002 Canada Belgium, Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Brazil, Canada, Congo, Cyprus, Japan, Jordan, Morocco, Netherlands, New Zealand, Oman, Slovenia, Spain, Thailand.
8, Messi's header struck the bar in the 28th minute and hit the post in the 39th with a free kick in the first half.
9, August 28th, 2009 When bees sting, they pump into their victims a peptide toxin called melittin that destroys cell membranes.
10, After Japan enkindled flames of war on January 28th in Shanghai, this inclination was shown more distinctively.
11, ON AUGUST 28th, barring some dark manoeuvre by seething Clintonistas,( Barack Obama will accept the Democratic nomination for the presidency.
12, In June 28th, only 27 years old, Wei Xiaolong and colleagues in 110 sets after the washing day supplies, from" Jinjiang Inns" two floor to the three to seven floor.
13, On March 28th, 2010, Zhejiang Geely Group and the Ford Motor Company signed the agreement on the former's purchase of Volvo at the Volvo Headquarters located in Goteborg, Sweden.
14, They'll bring the date of their marriage forward from the 30th to the 28th.
15, It is generally not advisable for expectant mothers to travel by air after the 28th week of pregnancy.
16, This commitment will also be a big talking point at the next annual UN summit, due to start in Durban on November 28th.
17, The state-run news website cited a construction worker surnamed Qian who escaped from the 28th story as saying crews were installing energy-saving insulation when the fire occurred.
18, The discussion will take place during the 35th Session of the World Heritage Committee from June the 19th to the 28th in Paris.
19, At the invitation of Foreign Minister Li Zhaoxing, Foreign Minister Sebatian Anefal of the Federated States of Micronesia will visit China from February 22nd to 28th.
20, FROM odds-on favourite to no-hoper and back: Sir Paul Stephenson at last settled into the commissioner's office at New Scotland Yard on January 28th after a bumpy candidacy.
21, There is now a formal case to answer: preliminary charges, including abuse of trust and falsification of documents, but excluding fraud,[] were filed against Mr Kerviel on Monday January 28th.
22, A Britain woman, Pat Higgins, 56- who has been branded "man-eater" held her ninth wedding ceremony in Shields, Tyne and Wear, on 28th, May. The groom is 32 years her junior, Mark Sanderson.
23, In the hammer throw competition that was held previously on August 28th, Tajikistan's competitor Andrew Abudwaliev won first place with an achievement of 81.04 meters.
24, The amylase, amylopectin and total starch accumulation rates of all treatments had a change with mono-peak curve, and reached the maximum on the 28th day after anthesis.
25, Sometime after boot camp, a group of us were sent to Camp Endicott in Rhode Island, where we joined to USN 28th Battalion.
26, Mr Tanigaki won 300 of the 499 votes cast in the LDP’s internal election on Monday September 28th.
27, Britain woman, Pat Higgins, 56- who has been branded "man-eater" held her ninth wedding ceremony in Shields, Tyne and Wear, on 28th, May. The groom is 32 years her junior, Mark Sanderson.
28, The Aurora Australis, viewed by astronauts aboard the ISS, 356 km above the Indian Ocean on March 28th, 2010.
29, And technology refuge storey (also technology transforming floor of structure) is set at 11th, 28th, and 47th floor.
30, "If they're quick, they can earn a nice sum, " Heydeck said of the men, who range from a student of 20 to a 72-year-old retired professor "with a real beard" now in his 28th season.
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