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Yahoo in a sentence

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Sentence count:210Posted:2017-05-19Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: cahootahoymahoganyopera houseseahorsea hot potatoshopaholicworkaholicMeaning: ['jɑhuː /jɑː'huː]  n. 1. not very intelligent or interested in culture 2. one of a race of brutes resembling men but subject to the Houyhnhnms in a novel by Jonathan Swift 3. a widely used search engine for the web that finds information, news, images, products, finance. 
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91, Yahoo is launching a version of its "Yahoo Meme" platform in Chinese, the Washington Post reported. It will face stiff competition from MSN Juku, which is based on Windows Live Messenger.
92, Not to be outdone, Yahoo followed in November announcing an open source program aimed at advancing the research and development of systems software for distributed computing.
93, It is too early to handicap the outcome of Mr. Icahn's proxy fight, as most major Yahoo shareholders have yet to say whether they will support him.
94, For a swampy effect, Ms. Louden insisted that Yahoo plant a billowy grass that wouldn't need mowing and would grow no more than 5 inches high around her 22 groupings of reflector-tipped wire.
95, The offer allows Yahoo shareholders to elect to receive cash or a fixed number of shares of Microsoft common stock with the total purchase consisting of half cash and half stock.
96, Block what Er · Yi pits to appear as investor, microsoft bought Yahoo case to be immersed in " cut ceaseless, manage is random still " all directions ankyloses situation.
97, Differ with American bank and car manufacturer, yahoo company returns nobody to ask governmental inflict aids.
98, Presiding apparitor Yang Zhiyuan and its management group are faced with Yahoo now greater pressure.
99, Except Debs , the possibility that other Yahoo tall canal takes over a company is less.
100, Others who have signed nondisclosure agreements, like TPG, have considered making only a minority investment in Yahoo, others briefed on those deliberations have said.
101, This is a bit like sale-and-lease-back on a commercial building: Yahoo gives up one of its most valuable properties, but hopes to get a guaranteed amount from it.
102, But Yahoo may not be able to avoid buyout by Microsoft.
103, Be in western central city, yahoo and search dog own higher than other area market share.
103, try its best to gather and make good sentences.
104, The deadline that Microsoft imposed on Yahoo to reach a negotiated merger agreement passed three days ago, and the two companies are still not talking.
105, Can see from this, investor does not hope Microsoft buys Yahoo, because buy the price exorbitant, and Yahoo is deep-set predicament.
106, If the gregarious network function of Yahoo can go up line, advertisement chief commander gives attention.
107, Such a move would involve Yahoo borrowing money to finance a stock buyback, giving that investor effective control of the company.
108, Under the agreement, Yahoo will be displayed in its search system provided by Google ads.
109, Interestingly, users can also comment on links and stories from users they do not follow, but Yahoo Meme puts an interesting twist on the commenting system, though.
110, The 10 directorates member of Yahoo company is in reelect needs entirely on shareholder plenary meeting next time.
111, Instead of the traditional search result display Podzy uses the Yahoo results to populate the Podzy Audio Player.
112, If any company should just give up the ghost and get out of China before making any more PR (and human rights) gaffes, maybe it's Yahoo.
113, Bill Gates of Microsoft and Yang the establisher of internet site yahoo are examples of Bobos.
114, To appetent for the Microsoft that buys Yahoo(, this is a good news undoubtedly.
115, Netscape also hope to use the stock swap acquisition of Yahoo, Jerry Yang and Filo , however rejected the same, because they have to create their own cause.
116, The offer was worth almost forty-five billion dollars in cash and stock, or thirty-one dollars per Yahoo share.
117, Buy longerly continuously before Microsoft and Yahoo case ring down the curtain eventually, microsoft abandons finally buying Yahoo.
118, Google started the year with 63.5% market share in the search space (source: comScore January 2009 data), with a commanding lead over its closest competitors Yahoo (20.5%) and Microsoft (8.3%).
119, And thee internet anonym differ-mail service is provided at no charge (look at Yahoo, for example).
120, Yahoo shares fell to $ .56 in extended trading after closing at $ .81 on the Nasdaq.
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