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Windscreen in a sentence

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Sentence count:131+5Posted:2017-07-11Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: rood screenscreenscreenedsunscreenscreeningscreenplayradar screentouchscreenMeaning: n. transparent screen (as of glass) to protect occupants of a vehicle. 
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(31) The earth cracked like a shattered windscreen.
(32) At 420mph the windscreen disintegrated.
(33) She stared ahead through the windscreen with unseeing eyes.
(33) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
(34) Operate the windscreen wipers or something?
(35) Again she glanced at the windscreen of the other car but she could see nothing through the darkened glass.
(36) All models have laminated windscreen, rear screen wash-wipe, clock, locking filler cap, cigar lighter and side mouldings.
(37) Its blood, streaming upon the glass, was slowly set aside by the windscreen wipers.
(38) His engine was running and his windscreen wipers whipped back and forth to keep the glass clear of snow.
(39) He slumped back in his seat and stared resentfully through the windscreen.
(40) Jean sat back in her seat and watched the rivulets of rain run down the windscreen.
(41) When driving at speed, the engineers noted that headwinds and crosswinds caused the blades to lift off the windscreen.
(42) A cover was installed over the second seat and a new canopy and windscreen were built.
(43) A combination of the sun on the windscreen and the tinted glass made it impossible.
(44) One man jumped on the bonnet and the windscreen was smashed by a missile dropped from a flyover.
(45) He stared ahead through the windscreen, his hands clasped in his lap,( and she started to drive again.
(46) I was about to write you a note and stick it on your windscreen.
(47) A brain-damaged policeman fights for his life after young thugs threw a half-brick through his patrol car windscreen.
(48) If you so much as parked on a yellow line they stuffed a mortgage application under your windscreen wipers.
(49) It was ultra-streamlined, with retractable undercarriage, and a windscreen which folded down to lie flush once height had been gained.
(50) The windscreen wipers trudge sluggishly and ineffectively through the water, bringing visibility down to a few feet.
(51) The good light of it came down through the curve of the windscreen, sweetening my bitterness.
(52) The reason why we've stopped you is that there's no disc on your windscreen.
(53) The body shell had been crushed in and anybody in there could only have come out through the windscreen.
(54) The wipers kept knocking slivers of the ice off the windscreen.
(55) Cars were edging forward with barely controlled impatience to the steady whiplash accompaniment of their windscreen wipers.
(56) He gripped the wheel tightly and held his face quite close to the windscreen.
(57) As they passed through the town of Isserre, spots of rain spat on to the windscreen.
(58) The video in each case showed an unobstructed view through the windscreen of a car during the drive through the junction.
(59) Jimmy was temporarily blinded by the orange light which suddenly illuminated the car windscreen.
(60) He peered out through the windscreen and side-windows, scouring the surrounding countryside.
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