Similar words: wadding, fading, lading, shading, grading, reading, evading, leading. Meaning: [weɪd] n. walking with your feet in shallow water.
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2 She hitched her skirt up before wading across the stream.
3 I spent the whole day wading through the paperwork on my desk.
4 Usually they don chest-high wading boots and plow into water to take the pulse of the rivers.
5 Wading out across the wheat I come to a single wild poppy of a most amazing pink.
6 My speciality shifted from building to wading through the Bunyala swamps with wellies and a rucksack on my back.
7 He reached a place called Wading Point, the country retreat of Carmine Latta.
8 Here wading naked into the waters of paradise, et cetera.
9 How could she possibly know that he was wading in blood from a self-inflicted wound?
10 Neighborhood kids recently have taken to wading into the pond with nets.
11 Wading birds collect great quantities of small molluscs from sandbanks and mud flats when the tide retreats.
12 Trying to accomplish anything here was like wading through glue.
13 Wading birds, the barometer of any marsh's health,[] have been devastated.
14 Fairly large, long-necked, long-legged wading birds, habitually flying with neck outstretched: a useful distinction from herons.
15 It was like wading through treacle just to order a meal.
16 This would deprive wading birds such as curlew and snipe of an ideal breeding sanctuary.
17 We're off again, now wading almost waist-deep in water, stopping, starting, bumping into the man in front.
18 He moved slowly,[] like a tired man wading through cold water.
19 Kuwait Bay is one of the world's most important wintering grounds for wading birds.
20 They never even try, like people living beside a lake they never even go wading in, much less swim-ming.
21 They provide the habitat of a wide variety of species of wading birds.
22 It's water-resistance had a fair testing in long wet grass and stream wading.
23 It is now said to have completed the main porting work and is now wading through the device driver work.
24 Noah stood six inches high, with a white beard to his knees and wading boots of real rubber.
25 At Perth in January 1313 Bruce himself was second to scale the castle wall after wading neck-high through icy cold water.
26 He waded shin-deep in water, with the slow-motion gait of a man wading through a dream.
27 Scroll through a long document in a DOS word processor, then compare that to wading through a Word for Windows file.
28 She moved as if she were in a dream, wading through viscous liquid.
29 The fellowship itself has an innate self-criticism which comes from wading in the quicksands of the psychic.
30 Sara felt slightly sick, but there was no point in wading deeper into the morass.
More similar words: wadding, fading, lading, shading, grading, reading, evading, leading, trading, loading, heading, goading, pleading, kneading, spreading, cascading, unloading, subheading, degrading, pleadingly, misleading, masquerading, wadi, misleadingly, bill of lading, rollerblading, insider trading, paladin, badinage, readiness.