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Ventilator in a sentence

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Sentence count:84+2Posted:2017-06-26Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: ventilateventilationhyperventilationdilatorymutilatemutilatedmutilationmultilateralMeaning: ['ventɪleɪtə]  n. 1. a device (such as a fan) that introduces fresh air or expels foul air 2. a device that facilitates breathing in cases of respiratory failure. 
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61. Objective: the aims of the present study were to describe the clinical and microbiological response to appropriate antimicrobial therapy in patients with ventilator associated pneumonia(VAP).
62. In order to improve calculation accuracy, factors such as effective power have to be corrected for calculation in design of a large ventilator due to higher impeller peripheral velocity.
63. The ventilator can be used after formed a complete set of ventilating psychrometer .
64. This article introduces three methods to measure ventilator in the measurement of performance.
65. After measurement of airway pressure, airway flow, and esophageal pressure, tachypnea was proved to be caused by ventilator auto triggering as a result of cardiogenic oscillation.
66. The air - to - air energy recovery ventilator can recover a fraction thethe exhaust air to the air.
67. When main ventilator of mine is switching, high outburst mines will appear over-limit phenomenon of gas concentration in short blowing-out time of switching ventilator.
68. Objective:The current study was designed to investigate the risk factors and nosetiology of ventilator associated pneumonia in ICU of Shaanxi Provincial People's Hospital.
69. The ventilator inventornos vair conditioning prevented him from venturing revenge.
70. Conclusion Applying three-way suction tube of ventilator to nebulise patient with artificial airway can achieve satisfactory effect in the nebulising process.
71. System's analog variable, switch variable collect unit and switch variable output unit can monitor and control some equipment, such as air-condition,[] ventilator and fire alarm equipment.
72. Objective To set up a method of applying inhalation anesthesia in rodent using rodent ventilator and to study the dynamic procedure of the in vitro model.
73. ObjectiveTo investigate the relativity between liquid on air sac and ventilator associated pneumonia(VAP) after endotracheal intubation.
74. Be like inside door work must assemble ventilator, ensure indoor airflow.
75. The ventilator inventor s adventure prevented him from venturing revenge.
76. Pressurized ventilator ( air feed ) and smoke extraction fan are interlockingly controlled.
77. This article introduces three Methods : To measure ventilator in the measurement of performance.
78. Ventilator with PEEP,[] hormone therapy and extracorporeal membrane oxygenator were of benifit to the Patients.
79. After a truncus repair, children will benefit from remaining on the ventilator overnight or even longer so they can rest.
80. The ducting hose end set funnel indraft cover use in ventilator installation. The ducting hose else end set discal air exit of power and heat supply set installation.
81. Generator, stainless steel cover, high - grade quartz tube, ampere meter, air pump, ventilator ( made in Taiwan ) etc.
82. This design introduced retakes courses machine the Ventilator velometer inject mold's design and the manufacture method.
83. Ventilator Automatic cleaner is a new kind of machine which is used to clean the flabellum of the ventilator.
84. Objective: To explore the application of noninvasive ventilation combined with nebulization of bronchodilator for the treatment of COPD with respiratory failure by a complex critical care ventilator.
More similar words: ventilateventilationhyperventilationdilatorymutilatemutilatedmutilationmultilateralself-mutilationscintillateviolatorlentilpercolatorregulatorinsulatorescalatorgentilescintillatingrevelatoryambulatoryspeculatorregulatorytranslatorcalculatorlegislatoraccumulatormanipulatorperambulatorconsolatoryejaculatory
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