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Var in a sentence

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Sentence count:166Posted:2017-07-07Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: varyovaryvariedvarsityvarnishvarmintvariantsamovarMeaning: n. a unit of electrical power in an AC circuit equal to the power dissipated when 1 volt produces a current of 1 ampere var.. n. (biology) a group of organisms within a species that differ in trivial ways from similar groups. 
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61. The community structure and dynamics of soil water of Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica plantation were studied in a growth season.
62. There have been a great number of studies in estimating VaR. Most of which are focused on the point estimation of VaR.
63. In this paper, an approach using additional damping control to static var compensator(SVC) controller is presented to damp inter-area oscillation.
64. The results of intraspecific and interspecific competition formed the different individual height of Taxus chinensis var. mairei population.
65. ObjectiveTo identify Thalictrum simplex L. var. bravipes Hara by identification of pharmacognosy and provide the scientific evidence of identification and application.
66. Objective:To determine glucosinolates in Draba nemorosa var. leiocarpa and provide the basic and science data for further development.
67. The resistance to disease of transgenic plants were tested by inoculating leaves with Puccinia coronata var. coronata cummins.
68. In this paper, the biomass of 20-year-old Keteleeria davidiana var. Chien-peii colony in Qingyan Town of Guizhou province has been investigated and analyzed.
69. The prevalence of head louise (Pediculus bamanus var, capitis) infestation in 4 kindergarten children in Yanji City, was investigated.
70. Root and SOD, CAT activity of var. fastingiata is upmost , irregular type is lowest.
71. As an export-oriented industry, the production of Brassica oleracea L. var. italica Piench was affected dramatically by the fluctuation of international trade.
72. Except for inspiration inhibition reflex, lung inflation might have another effect on respiratory center var vagus. It is mainly represented by the change of respiratory period.
73. Genetic consequences of forest fragmentation might be obvious in Ardisia crenata var. bicolor due to its short generation length (about 3 years) and relatively low density.
74. The anatomical structures of root, stem, leaf and bud of Heptacodium minconioides were observed and the comparison to Viburnum odoratissmum var. awabuki was studied.
75. The characteristics of leaf structure and photosynthesis of 4 Salicaceae species Populus szechuanica var.
76. A method of extracting red pigment from loropetalum chinense (R. Br. ) Oliv. Var. rubrum Yieh. and study on stability of the red pigment is proposed in the thesis.
77. On the other hand, We use VAR approach to analyze the effects of government public capital investment on long-run economic growth based on annual data for the period from 1978 to 2004 in China.
78. This model can scale down to 10–100 employee value-added reseller (VAR) type of companies.
79. The results of the four trials to determine the effects of different defoliation treatments on radish (Raphanus sativus var. longipinnatus) yield are presented in this study.
80. The results show that, the main reason for the area Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica seedlings change to purple-red is that soil lacks for phosphorus.
81. By using recursive estimation in cointegrated VAR model, we analyze the relationship between real estate financial structure and growth of real estate economy in China.
82. Artemisia ordosia and Hedysarum. fruticosum var. presented strong photosynthetic capacity when the environmental stress was weak and physiological state was best.
83. Objective: To search for the neuroprotective constituents from Spiraea japonica var. acuta and investigate their mechanisms of neuroprotection .
84. The console file can be checked in /var/cics_regions//console.000000n (where n is the number of latest console file).
85. Next,( you create a var called history that is just an empty list and then a var called droid that is an item.
86. Methods The content of total flavonoid in Physalis alkekengi L. var. franchetii(Mast. )Makino was determined using colorimetric with rutin as a standard product.
87. Based on extensive literature review, the introduction and afforestation techniques of Pinus sylvestris var.
88. The s3sync.rb command recursively copies the /var/uploads directory into the backup bucket, prefixing all the files with the current date.
89. Syringa reticulata Hara var mands Hara huriea has certainly adaptability to strong light and weak light.
90. Objective: To study the chemical constituents from Lamium maculatum var. kansuense.
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