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Valid period in a sentence

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Sentence count:13Posted:2024-06-24Updated:2024-06-24
Similar words: period of validitythird periodsecond periodinvalid passwordqualifying periodprior periodperiodperiods
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1. Where the stipulated valid period of quarantine is exceeded.
2. Tenders with an ineligible valid period shall be rejected as non - responsive tenders.
3. CONCLUSION: Glipizide capsules were stable and the valid period was 2 years.
4. The valid period of the patent shall be 20 years, accounted from the application date.
5. It is called cursor tree of remainder valid period and much shorter than the primary tree.
6. On the other hand, We should make reasonable regulations in the light of cover style of environmental insurance , underwriting institution, scope of cover and valid period of claim, etc.
7. A "Residence Permit" must carry such contents as the name, date of birth, sex, issuing date, valid period, ID number or Nationality, etc of the holder.
8. Common cement and superfine cement are broadly used in plugging shot hole, but this technology has many disadvantages such as low success ratio, short valid period and so on.
9. The technology has simple injection control and testing, and can prolong the valid period of packer.
10. Insurance companies are obliged to recover the cost of everything insured when it is lost or damaged during the valid period of insurance.
11. The tenderee shall launch a new bid invitation if there are less than three tenderers agreeing the extension of the valid period of tenders.
11. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
12. According to vouchers. Party A shall pay all occurred parking fee and toll fee of express way during valid period of contract.
13. I will issue you a re - entry. You can enter Taiwan with it during the valid period.
More similar words: period of validitythird periodsecond periodinvalid passwordqualifying periodprior periodperiodperiodsvalidperiodicpay periodaperiodicperiodateinvalidvalidlylife periodperiodicalbase periodboom periodidle periodbusy periodsafe periodtime periodoffer periodnonperiodicwork periodrest periodnext periodvalidityvalidate
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