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Trademark in a sentence

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Sentence count:258+1Posted:2017-06-12Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: earmarkhallmarkstylemarkSimilar words: remarkdemarchehit the markfree marketup to the markremarkablyremarkabledemarcationMeaning: n. 1. a distinctive characteristic or attribute 2. a formally registered symbol identifying the manufacturer or distributor of a product. 
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121. A trademark used for an acrylic fiber or yarns made from this fiber.
122. Bathinette: a trademark used for portable bathing devices for infants.
123. If the use of the trademark is discontinued or its contribution to earnings becomes doubtful, any unamortized cost should be written off immediately.
124. Here is the Miro with its trademark furrowed brow. Observe how the soft lighting in this photograph does nothing to soften the Miro's expression.
125. A trademark used for an adhesive bandage with a gauze pad in the center(sentencedict .com), employed to protect minor wounds. This trademark sometimes occurs in print in figurative uses.
126. Hitchcock does not disappoint by leaving out his trademark dark humor.
127. Countries adopt specific legislation, unfair competition law, trademark law, hybrid legislative four protected mode.
128. Cassano also had a lengthy conversation with Coach Roberto Donadoni, covering his mouth up in trademark fashion so that the press couldn't lip-read what he was saying.
129. The trademark licensing contract shall be submitted to the Trademark Office for the archivist purpose.
130. There are two sides in exclusive right of exploitation and forbidden right for trademark right.
131. The article analysis the deficiency of the traditional confusion theory and the modern association theory. The theory of trademark dilution has more scientificalness and operatability.
132. Today, 99 % of copyright and trademark counterfeiting cases are enforced administratively, rather than criminally.
133. The United States Patent and Trademark Office is in Crystal City, a government development in Arlington, Virginia.
134. While other leaders fling to their office, Winston Churchill inspired British people with his trademark V sign for victory in public with calm, relaxed smile.
135. In addition, trademark and patent laws in China aren't enforced as strongly as in the U.S.(, and knowledge of U.S. accounting standards can lag.
136. The produce is registered trademark as "ZWHZZ" It has great skill and rich manufacture experience , complete processing equipment and advance production craft .
137. A trademark used for any of a group of synthetic resins and plastics found in a variety of manufactured articles.
138. Google is defending its business practices, saying it removes participating sites from its ad network if a trademark owner complains those sites are confusingly similar.
139. Selling deliberately a commodity whose registered trademark is falsely used may constitute a crime.
140. In Hong Kong one of the biggest-selling toothpaste brands was called Darkie, its trademark being a caricature of an Al Jolson-type smiling black man with gleaming white teeth.
141. This paper puts forward the trademark image retrieval algorithm based on the subimage feature fusion, and does research on the subimage feature fusion criterions.
142. Play of words by Geelay, China's largest private auto manufacturer was a "malicious" move against Land Rover Group Ltd, a Beijing court ruled, bringing an end to a decade-old trademark dispute.
143. As a special sign of distinction and status, as well as a cultural phenomenon, trademark is playing a role more and more important in our life.
144. A certificate of registration shall be issued for each trademark approved for registration.
145. Out - of - Factory Marking: Product name, trademark, standard codesign, batch number, net weight, manufacturer, address and out - of - factory date.
146. The electrifying stare and trademark buzz cut won't be back in action until March.
147. So it's good to report that Jurowski brought his trademark quicksilver precision to this fluttering, rustling soundscape.
148. And the United States Patent and Trademark Office has rejected all five in dispute, though its decision was not final.
149. Naprosyn is the trademark of a brand of this nonsteroidal anti - inflammatory drug.
150. In a recent interview, David J. Kappos, director of the United States Patent and Trademark Office, pointed to the Chinese targets for 2015 and called them "mind-blowing numbers."
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