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Tourney in a sentence

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Sentence count:26Posted:2017-08-08Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: journeyjourneymanjourneyinghorneyblarneyattorneybournemournerMeaning: n. a sporting competition in which contestants play a series of games to decide the winner. v. engage in a tourney. 
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1. Their journey to the tourney, as Cameron Dollar calls it, is finally over.
2. Seventy-five percent of the teams in the tourney are done for the year, but the ostensibly underachieving Cats are still alive.
3. The Tourney of Talent is about to begin.
4. Yo, dudes, got a new tourney lined up.
5. Sam Nice work at the tourney , Roxy .
6. That said , one aspect of mid - tourney play that's extremely important is picking up pots pre - flop.
7. A multi-table tourney player is likely to make more than his average annual income in one tournament at some point.
8. China Prepares for Asian Under - 18 Tourney in Teheran.
9. In this tourney, we had Spanish, Polish, Malaysian, Dutch, and HKese.
10. Everyone else, from tourney winners to Minesweeper addicts , is a " casual gamer. "
11. I have a baseball tourney to go to this weekend.
12. The tourney could be viewed as punishment for finishing third in last year's world championships in Japan(Sentence dictionary), behind champion Spain and Greece.
13. They qualified for the qualifying tourney by their finish in last year's regional tournaments.
14. Was that the hardest point in the tourney for you?
15. Wright flew back to cover the final round of the tourney.
16. The scene lay before me like the field of a medieval tourney: banners and bunting and ladies in jewel-bright colours.
17. It was tough to watch. 4: 04 p. m.: Northwest faces an early exit in the double-elimination tourney.
18. Today is the last day of practice before the tourney kicks into full swing.
19. Below is some history[], as well as some little-known facts about the tourney .
20. PokerStars has developed the ability to display a bracket for Heads Up tournaments from the Tourney Lobby which will show the pairings of opponents and how the tournament has progressed.
21. One the field, as the world knows, the red, white and blue flipped the script after enduring blowout losses to Italy and Brazil early in the tourney.
22. You can play as many times as you want in this tourney .
23. Well, the race to sew up the last couple roster spots for the Tourney of the Americas should provide for an interesting end to camp.
24. After the jump, get a head start on your picks with an in depth look at all 32 beers well be using for the tourney.
25. Sharapova has struggled in recent years on the court with injuries, but has bounced back in 2010 with two tourney wins.
26. Kobe and Team USA are gearing up for the qualifying tourney.
More similar words: journeyjourneymanjourneyinghorneyblarneyattorneybournemournerburnedburnerturnedspurnedearnest moneyupturnednocturneburned outturned outreturnedtourniquetsunburnedtournamentwell-turnedoverturnedattorney generalpower of attorneyhave money to burndistrict attorneyturn the cornerleave no stone unturnedan eye for an eye
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