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Touches in a sentence

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Sentence count:241+5Posted:2017-06-21Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: toucheduntouchedtouchretouchtouch ontouch upin touchtouchdown
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91. She touches a piece of heaven and becomes the recipient of power from an unknown source.
92. The Vesica piscis On the diameter of a circle an equilateral triangle is described centrally such that its apex just touches the circumference.
93. It calls for expanding family and medical leave, but also touches on criticism of violence in entertainment, and parental responsibility.
94. After the final touches, Endill and Mould stood back and admired their work.
95. If a defending player has a loose lace and this touches the ball, may the attacking side drop for goal?
96. This haunting black comedy touches and menaces in equal parts.
97. When legislation touches freedom of thought and freedom of speech, such a tendency is a formidable enemy of the free spirit.
98. Wallace battled well till the end, but Deane looked unsettled and uninvolved, apart from a few deft touches back in defence.
99. By the beginning of December, the finishing touches had been put to the apartment.
100. As food touches the tongue it comes into contact with the sensory papillae there.
101. When we are rehearsing and recording he never touches a drop of alcohol; but afterwards there are many toasts and celebrations.
102. The birds whose selective predation put the finishing touches to their evolution must, at least collectively, have had excellently good vision.
103. Violet McBride, who is probably playing her last season for Portadown, displayed some deft touches.
104. It was a credit to everybody and the people of Merseyside who put the finishing touches to everything with their overwhelming support.
104. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
105. The property has been recently constructed and is in the final stages of finishing touches.
106. Left: Most boatyards had a signwriter who painted the boats in their company liveries and added the decorative touches.
107. Its warmth and richness will add the finishing touches that are all important to the dress of your dreams.
108. Gordon looked somewhat Ivy League, with raffish touches that dated from the early 1970s.
109. Theda gasped as the little touches of his mouth sent flickers of heat rippling through her body.
110. The touches or larger areas of primary colours that throw the figures into relief are now less strident, more resonant.
111. Another one races by, touches my hand, and keeps running.
112. By late 1983 I was putting the finishing touches on a book called Hackers.
113. No prisoner touches mail before it's been examined by staff.
114. As our discussion of the brain revealed, alcohol affects nearly everything it touches.
115. But for eighteen years she had lived in a house full of touches from the other side.
116. There are some assured visual touches, a staple of any Czech film.
117. He seldom drinks alcohol, never touches drugs, and runs six miles every morning, rain or shine.
118. With 110 levels of gameplay and a wealth of humorous touches, it's a must for James Pond lovers.
119. The clouds, sea and sky were permanent blue and light red with touches of Winsor blue.
120. And, if I prefer House to Garden, it is because it both touches deeper chords and garners even greater laughs.
More similar words: toucheduntouchedtouchretouchtouch ontouch upin touchtouchdowntouchingtouch downget in touchtouchstonetouch and goout of touchtouch-and-golouchevouchermidas touchtouchinglyuntouchablekeep in touchcrouchedget in touch withduchessuntouchabilitykeep in touch withouchpouchcouchvouch
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