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Touches in a sentence

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Sentence count:241+5Posted:2017-06-21Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: toucheduntouchedtouchretouchtouch ontouch upin touchtouchdown
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121. Brown hopes to have the finishing touches done within 10 days.
122. And see how he always touches her head, gives her the prettiest ribbons for her braid?
123. Final touches to the tractor included fitting the two original air intakes and filters from the lorry.
124. His voice is shaken by the tumult of his feelings ... Outside some one touches you ... with a light greeting.
125. They were nearly sky blue with touches of amphetamine pink at the corners and long dark lashes.
126. Traditionally this was the time for artists to add the final touches.
127. Photography and film were the media of the past 100 years, and the National Portrait Gallery barely touches the subject.
128. Having made such strides with the engine and suspension, we added further touches of refinement inside and out.
129. Touches on the economic tiller were to be reserved for monetary policy - and changes in interest rates in particular.
130. The difference between the two factions touches on basic questions of the National Front's ideology.
131. The docks were built where the deep water channel of the Humber touches the southern coast.
132. Some one who knowingly touches another without his consent violates this personal right as surely as if he had taken his property.
133. Pulling up to a stop sign, she touches the clutch and the engine turns off.
134. The more exacting you are in putting the finishing touches to the picture,[] the better the result will be.
135. Toe touches and sit-ups should be avoided; they are particularly harmful to anyone who has osteoporosis in the spine.
136. Clearly, what they do touches a chord in more than a few listeners.
137. Reverse as your right elbow touches your left knee, turning to see the left side.
138. An orthodox Hindu must not touch an untouchable or anything an untouchable touches.
139. Exhaled breath freezes wherever it touches, and balaclavas, scarves, beards and eyelashes become frosted.
140. Meanwhile paint from Porter will put the finishing touches to an entire village community in the United States.
141. The band are currently putting the finishing touches to their third album, which should be out early in the summer.
142. Catledge inserted the more rustic touches, a kind of hominy style that gave their writing a colloquial flavor.
143. It is a useful way of adding touches to garments made on the chunky machine.
144. He's added a few finishing touches to his novel.
145. Fine tannin with sweet touches in the finale.
146. There are lovely touches, such as fish tank walls.
147. This song touches the heartstrings of the audience.
148. There are lovely touches, as fish tank walls.
149. Flavour of the past touches my soul, because that represents the broadness and steadiness of history.
150. The book merely touches on the main contradiction of feudal society, it does not go into it deeply.
More similar words: toucheduntouchedtouchretouchtouch ontouch upin touchtouchdowntouchingtouch downget in touchtouchstonetouch and goout of touchtouch-and-golouchevouchermidas touchtouchinglyuntouchablekeep in touchcrouchedget in touch withduchessuntouchabilitykeep in touch withouchpouchcouchvouch
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