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Toolbar in a sentence

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Sentence count:119Posted:2018-02-06Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: tool barschoolbagtool boxtoolboxschoolboyschool busschoolbookschool board
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31. You can use the Refresh Data button on the PivotTable toolbar Refresh Data command.
32. With the ToolBar Menu, users can choose which toolbars are displayed, as well as create custom toolbars, allowing quick access to frequently used tools.
33. The second toolbar across the top ( default location ) is the Formatting toolbar.
34. You can still control the grid in individual Dialog editor windows using the Toggle Grid button on the Dialog Editor Toolbar.
35. The toolbar contains a subset of the actions available from the pull-down menus, and you can customize it to add, reorganize, or remove toolbar actions to suit your preferences.
36. The first, iui_toolbar, sets up the grayish-blue toolbar at the top of many iPhone applications.
37. Click Slide Show on the Standard toolbar and choose Custom Animation.
38. Use the Numbering and Bullets icons on the paragraph formatting toolbar.
39. Click the Toggle a bookmark button on the Text Editor toolbar.
40. That old 20KB program didn't have a docking toolbar, splitter windows, print preview capabilities, or control container support—features that users now expect.
41. Select the process node in the tree, and on your Outline view you should now be able to add a container and partner using the Outline view's toolbar.
42. You can only create a toolbar for folders located on non - removable and non - volatile storage media.
43. In the Toolbar name box, type the name you want, and then click OK.
44. Once message editing is complete and you click OK[sentencedict .com], the Toolbar widget sends a send save request event to My_ToolbarAction.
45. If you cannot see the Project Tree view, click the panel layout icon in the toolbar to switch to four-pane layout.
46. To switch from ascending or descending sort to custom sort, click Sort Ascending or Sort Descending on the PivotTable toolbar so that the button is not selected.
47. Click the New Folder button on the Class View toolbar.
48. The editor area of an artifact, by using the toolbar button (left control in Figure 1) or the drop-down menu for an element.
49. To change a toolbar button image, copy the new button image, click Customize on the Tools menu, click the button with the right mouse button, and click Paste Button Image.
50. To customize a PivotTable report , you can use the PivotTable Field button on the PivotTable toolbar.
51. After this initial information has been supplied, you can begin to edit the pattern by clicking on the pencil icon in the upper right toolbar.
52. Select the test database from the drop-down menu in the database toolbar[], as Figure 3 shows.
53. You can customize the menu bar the same way you customize any built - in toolbar?
54. The Journal toolbar and SideNote you created are very useful for quickly saving and accessing random thoughts that you want to write down quickly.
55. A check mark appears next to the menu item when the toolbar is displayed.
56. This toolbar has no associated bitmap. Do you want to create one?
57. Disable Image Toolbar for all future browsing sessions or this session only?
58. The h1 tag inside the toolbar is also specially defined by iUI for the white text.
59. For example, to export Server Profiles, select the Export icon from the toolbar in the Server Profile Manager view.
60. Adding actions to the views' pull-down menu, the common editors' toolbar, and pop-up menus is nearly as straightforward.
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