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91. Groaning, Tommy curled himself up into a ball, his hands covering his head.
92. The anonymous call had offered up two names for the Jabelman murder: Iain MacPherson and Tommy somebody.
93. Tommy set fire to some of Donald's hair by mistake.
94. Why cut away to the audience during actor Simon Chadwick's superb performance of Kipling's Tommy?
95. We felt this was an improvement over the rival system of inserting a tommy bar through the collet and using one spanner.
96. Another exploded at the attorney-general's office hours after Tommy Suharto had been questioned in connection with a corruption investigation.
97. Iain and Tommy drank together on the back streets of Pinner.
98. Like his father, Tommy chose a career in the Army.
99. He told her about Tommy and the weekly golf games.
100. In the eighth minute, Andy Comyn scored with a looping header after fine work from Tommy Johnson.
101. Then Tommy was challenged by an amateur named Arthur Molesworth.
102. Ann's boyfriend hits Tommy around the head with a bamboo cane spiked with nails.
103. Who is going to pick up the bill for all their tommy rot and skulduggery, Miss Green?
104. Tommy, you are the insurance company's defense lawyer.
105. Her secret source of uneasiness was Tommy.
106. So, Aloha. Tommy hurt his hand. Right?
107. "You are rude and obtrusive, Mr Galbraith," said Tommy.
108. TOMMY: Come here you double-crossing piece of shit!
109. Tommy Doyle: Laurie, whats the boogeyman?
110. Benjamin Bunny set off at once after Tommy Brock.
111. Tommy put Pussycat in the well.
112. Tommy: After all, you're a conniving, backstabbing, two-bit thief.
113. Tommy, I won't allow you to use four-letter words.
114. Tommy Cook had been plaguing Pinner for months.
115. LANCE: Tommy! I'll stay here and watch over Diaz!
116. Tommy Brock snored industriously,[www.Sentencedict.com] with rather a snort.
117. Finally, little Tommy brings home his report card.
118. Tommy like all his classes, but he liked chemistry class in particular.
119. Tommy DeVito : what do you mean, you artefact I talk? What?
120. He ran round behind the house, intending to undo the rope in order to let fall the pailful of water upon Tommy Brock.
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