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Three-fold in a sentence

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Sentence count:23Posted:2018-02-27Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: threefoldthree-fourthsfree-for-allthreethreesomethreescorethree timesthree-year-oldMeaning: adj. 1. three times as great or many 2. having more than one decidedly dissimilar aspects or qualities. 
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1. Our mission is three-fold: To undertake basic research to advance knowledge for its own sake.
2. Here the aims were three-fold: curbing expenditure, raising standards and giving greater emphasis to health promotion and illness prevention.
3. The bottom line is now three-fold, and is centered around people, planet, and profit.
4. "My sales have increased three-fold, " Nick Ginetta, of the Nations Trucks dealership in the central town of Sanford, told AFP.
5. This represents an almost three-fold difference in risk of developing diabetes among individuals with the highest blood levels of this fatty acid.
5. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
6. Shelley's Frankensten, Or, The Modern Prometheus is a three-fold examination of human myths, psychology, and of course, horror.
7. This is an increase of more than three-fold over totals for the past several years and highlights the expanding portfolio of financial services we offer.
8. October 17 You are a three-fold being. You consist of body, mind and spirit.
9. This is that industrial output increased four-fold over the eighteenth century, home consumption of it three-fold and exports six-fold.
10. And the outstanding debt which excludes mortgages has seen a three-fold increase to £40 billion.
11. Howard was regarded as a working fulfilment of the three-fold commission to teach, preach the gospel and heal the sick.
12. MICHAEL TWERY: "They found that men can experience up to a three-fold increased risk of stroke, and that risk seemed to be well correlated with the severity of sleep apnea."
13. In this regard, Ordos has been successful -- the old town has expanded three-fold over the past decade and homes in the new town are all sold out.
14. The impact of the global financial crisis and ensuing recession on Africa will be three-fold[], according to World Bank Chief Economist for Africa Shanta Devarajan.
15. Using an MFT strategy could result in a 2.5 to three-fold increase in the amount of time a single drug could be used, Boni added, reducing costly surveillance methods for drug resistance.
16. Three years later, access to HIV treatment has increased three-fold, but major challenges still remain.
17. WHO says use of the new test could lead to "a three-fold increase in the diagnosis of patients with drug-resistant TB" and double the diagnosis of TB in people with HIV.
18. A key measure of risk aversion for Asian "junk-rated" credit, the iTRAXX Asia ex-Japan high-yield index, surged to a record wide of 950 basis points this month, rising three-fold this year.
19. It has also been estimated that agricultural production could potenitally grow more than three-fold over the next 20 years, rising from $280bn today to $880bn by 2030.
20. What's more, the entrepreneur described with pride that once he had bought up all of his competition, he was able to raise his prices three-fold.
21. And countries that implement governance reforms can expect a huge development dividend, with an improvement in governance raising per capita incomes about three-fold in the long run.
22. Based on the WGI, the researchers estimate that when governance is improved by one standard deviation, incomes rise about three-fold in the long run, and infant mortality declines by two-thirds.
23. The defect states in chalcogenide glasses, including positively charged, negatively charged and neutral three-fold coordinated sulphur clusters, were studied by SCF MO CNDO/2 method.
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