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Thermoplastic in a sentence

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Sentence count:112+1Posted:2017-06-18Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: plasticplasticsplasticineplasticityplastic surgeryplastic explosiveprotoplastchloroplastMeaning: n. a material that softens when heated and hardens again when cooled. adj. having the property of softening or fusing when heated and of hardening and becoming rigid again when cooled. 
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61. High strength and die-cast aluminium casing, printing static and thermoplastic external surface which is corrosion resistant, shock resistant, hard and durable.
62. The thermoplastic polyester-ether elastomer(TPEE) was synthesized with dimethyl terephthalate(DMT), 1,4-butylene-glycol(BG), polytetrahydrofuran(PTMG) as raw materials.
63. In blow molding, a molten tube of thermoplastic material is formed, and then compressed air is used to blow up the tube , forcing the material to take the shape of the interior of a chilled blow mold.
64. ABS resin is a kind of thermoplastic resin with excellent allround properties.
65. A stack of many films of thermoplastic material is divided into sets of films by interposed layers of seal-inhibiting material.
66. The graft copolymer was a kind of thermoplastic elastomer with good mechanical properties when mass fraction of polystyrene macromer was about 40%.
67. In this paper, the reinforced thermoplastic starch(TPS)materials were obtained by extruding the mixture of TPS and copolyamide with a single scerw extruder.
68. A trademark used for a transparent thermoplastic acrylic resin enamels, and primers.
69. The polymers were characterized by IR, 1H NMR spectroscopy and DSC. The compatibilities of poly(2 ethyl 2 oxazoline) with some thermoplastic and copolymers are examined.
70. Finished thermoplastic honeycomb structures are produced by press molding pre-formed and pre-heated composite skins onto the honeycomb in a forming tool.
71. A new family of metallocene-based polyolefine (MPO) is evaluated. Many properties of MPO, including clarity, flexibility, low temperature ductility and thermoplastic elastomer behavior are emphasized.
72. A high performace thermoplastic elastomer with high modulus, suited for air bag door applications.
73. The enhanced low-temperature thermoplastic material comprises the ingredients by weight ratio: 43 to 95 portions of polycaprolactone and 5 to 57 portions of carbon black.
74. The peelable coating is produced with the basic materials of star-shaped SBS thermoplastic elastomers mainly surrounding the formation and character of the protective coating of chemical milling.
75. Certain plastic materials, as cellulose acetate , which is used for photographic film,[] are called thermoplastic materials.
76. Its core business is to develop, produce and market Halogen Free Flame Retardent thermoplastic and irritation cross-linkable compounds.
77. SCAME cable glands are made in self-extinguishing thermoplastic material and designed for cabling and installations in electric boards.
78. High strength and die-cast aluminium casing, printing static and thermoplastic external surface which is corrosion resistant, PVC light covers.
79. Furthermore, all thermoplastic materials contract as they solidify, which means that the molding will shrink on to the core which forms it.
80. This article introduces a method using the waste thermoplastic plastics and saw powder to produce fire-resistant dec-orarive construction material.
81. A low modulus high performance thermoplastic elastomer with food compliance specificity.
82. The potential market of advantageous PTT as fiber and thermoplastic material is expected to be prosperous contributing to recent great breakthrough in the key raw material -1,3- PDO.
83. The infrared spectrum analysis showed that the polymerization reaction was complete, and the polymer was a kind of thermoplastic material without branched chains.
84. A low modulus high performance thermoplastic elastomer with compliance specificity.
85. A thermoplastic polyurethane elastomer(TPUE) which has good miscibility with NG is synthesized and used in thermoplastic composite solid propellant propellant(TCSP).
86. In recent years compounding raw fiberglass directly into thermoplastic molded parts (LFT D) is growing rapidly in Europe and USA.
87. Thermoplastic polyurethane elastomers are prepared with polyol ester containing OH(, isocyanate and a chain extender.
88. Press forming of plastic products can be classified into thermosetting material forming and thermoplastic material forming. For example, bakelite of electric appliance industry.
89. The EPDM/PA thermoplastic elastomer with PA 35 phr had good mechanical properties, resistance to solvent and thermal ageing properties.
90. They probably don't pause to consider that nylon represents a petroleum-derived thermoplastic invented in 1935 by Wallace Carothers, a chemist working at the DuPont company.
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