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Temperature rise in a sentence

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Sentence count:69Posted:2017-11-08Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: temperatureroom temperaturehigh temperaturerun a temperaturebody temperaturehave a temperatureambient temperaturetemperature gradient
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1. Since the temperature rise is usually small the temperature must be measured accurately.
2. The average temperature rise over all areas was 0.59 degrees.
3. As this temperature rise occurs after ovulation has already taken place, it can not predict ovulation in advance.
4. Eventually the internal pressure and temperature rise sufficiently for thermonuclear fusion to begin.
5. Current Depend on the temperature rise test.
6. Keep room free of mugginess for causing no temperature rise.html
7. Fast temperature rise, high thermal efficiency, with overload capacity at a certain degree to ensure output of boiler.
8. Its adiabatic temperature rise can make materials reach the degree of serious soften and fail.
9. Adiabatic temperature rise is measured by concrete adiabatic temperature measuring device.
10. Temperature rise characteristic of carbon - chromite fines during the process of reaction in microwave field is analyzed.
11. The temperature rise and output signal of PV InSb detector illuminated by CW laser were calculated with one dimensional thermal model and the experimental result was analyzed.
12. The temperature rise in the coolant then becomes a function of coolant flow rate.
13. The method to calculate temperature rise of dry-type transformer is introduced. The detail calculation process is presented.
14. You can see the red hot when the temperature rise to about 500 deg. C.
15. In this paper, the temperature rise of the motor due to overload is calculated, and the life of insulation is evaluated by Arrhenius eguation. The Calculation data are confirmed with practice example.
16. The increase of internal energy (temperature rise) results from the molecule Brownian Movement.
17. However, the temperature rise in SRM is serious because of its high power density[], small radiate area in concentrated winding and high heat loading.
18. The experiment results show that with calcining temperature rise the color of ferric red gradually deepened from mauve to chrysoidine , morphology of ferric red also changed.
19. High pressure and temperature rise rate will induce crack and cavity in the sample.
20. The liquid is burnt in a plentiful supply of air and the temperature rise in the surrounding water bath is measured.
21. The result shows that when the radiation eccentricity increases to 0.75, the temperature rise of nonlinear crystal can be reduced by 21.1%.
22. Many sceptics fear that, because roughly half of all weather stations are in built-up areas, this may have inflated estimates of a temperature rise.
23. The method of design high frequency transformer in half bridge inverter circuit is introduced exampled in detail, besides temperature rise and power loss are discussed.
24. The platinum film resistor that is immerged in water-acetone mixture is heated by short pulsed-laser to investigate the mixture′s boiling behavior under rapid temperature rise condition.
25. The results show that the bigger input signal causes bigger temperature rise of the conduct and relative bigger biased error between input and output electric signals.
26. This standard includes updates to the definitions, voltage rating and interrupting rating tables, and the current carrying and temperature rise tests.
27. For meeting the requirements of the project, it need an effective artificial cooling to control the temperature rise or reduce in mass concrete.
28. If the running-in stage to advance aware of abnormal temperature rise, leakage, vibration and noise, they should check stands.
29. The draft tax text also leave leaves open the exact target for limiting temperature rise.
30. The draft text also lives up in leaves open the exact target for limiting temperature rise.
More similar words: temperatureroom temperaturehigh temperaturerun a temperaturebody temperaturehave a temperatureambient temperaturetemperature gradienttemperature inversiontemperatetemperatelyintemperatetemperate zoneliteraturecomparative literaturetemperatemperingtemperancetemperamentintemperancetemperamentaltemperamentallyfailure ratequadraturedesperate measuretempertemperedtempesthot temperbad temper
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