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Technical maintenance in a sentence

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Sentence count:18Posted:2025-01-08Updated:2025-01-08
Similar words: technical manualmaintenancetechnical competencetechnical assistancemaintenance manmaintenance centermaintenance-freemaintenance work
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1, Finishing the regular technical maintenance of diesel engine.
2, " Dodge Challenger Services technical maintenance manual, "2008.
3, Attend training on technical maintenance and participate in related training projects.
4, The company has many professional technical maintenance personnel and engineers to provide you with timely, quality technical services.
5, To crack it, proper technical maintenance and usage is an effective way besides the necessary technical protection in its use.
6, The information center shall be responsible for the technical maintenance of the electronic supervision system.
7, Leading the Preventive Technical Maintenance Team solution focused systemization of the Maintenance Department.
8, Undertake to conduct the technical maintenance for 83 digital TV platform, and have a super judgement capability for daily breakdown.
9, He has provided free technical maintenance for the website since the very beginning.
10, The paper states the important meaning of technical maintenance to a bulldozer through the technical maintenance of all components and analysis of points for attention.
11, Professional to undertake mine engineering, design, construction installation and technical maintenance of the engineering business.
12, Technical use of C/S development pattern, MVC design for multi-architecture design, and technical maintenance of the system made a strong and scalable system.
13, The findings can be used as references for the technical maintenance personnel of RDA equipment.
14, This article introduces the configuration,( maintenance.html) characteristics and existing problems of the network lab-oratories in universities and discusses their technical maintenance and management methods.
15, Business Scope: design, production and marketing of automobile bodies and spare parts, providing technical maintenance service.
16, The development of digital communication technology makes great demands on power supply reliability, power maintenance pattern and technical maintenance level of every communication station.
17, This paper discusses on the basic models, principles, systematical structure, targets and technical maintenance of network interconnection from the angle of technology.
18, This includes operating the system over three years, as well as the training of personnel, the provision of equipment, technical maintenance and spare parts.
More similar words: technical manualmaintenancetechnical competencetechnical assistancemaintenance manmaintenance centermaintenance-freemaintenance workmaintenance costmaintenance timemaintenance shopnontechnicalmaintenance staffplant maintenancerepair maintenanceroutine maintenancemaintenance systemmaintenance manualcost of maintenancemaintenance servicemachine maintenancesoftware maintenancemaintenance programscheduled maintenancemaintenance expensesmaintenance engineermaintenance contractsequipment maintenancerepairs and maintenancetechnical training
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