Similar words: sunbathe, sunbath, unbar, unbalance, gun barrel, unbalanced, sunburn, sunbelt. Meaning: n. someone who basks in the sunshine in order to get a suntan.
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1. Sunbathers lay spread-eagled on the grass.
2. The beach was thick with sunbathers.
3. The beach was crowded with sunbathers.
4. A week ago Bournemouth beach was thronged with sunbathers soaking up the 80 degrees heat.
5. Sunbathers in Malibu should be so lucky.
6. Hyde Park was a green beach strewn with sunbathers.
7. Sunbathers might find plastic bags of soggy bread and soiled clothes, but uninvited entry into the first world was generally discreet.
8. Another time, she tells a sunbather, she drove a convertible to the edge of a cliff.
9. I love the bronze colour, " says sunbather Richard Tong."
9. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
10. In the middle of the lawn last week there was a solitary sunbather, as naked as the day she was born.
11. His knapsack was so big that it proved a useful weapon in knocking encroaching sunbathers off his collection of sun loungers.
12. The silver sands of the bay are fine, making a soft beach for the sunbather, and the local climate is also congenial.
More similar words: sunbathe, sunbath, unbar, unbalance, gun barrel, unbalanced, sunburn, sunbelt, sunbeam, sunburnt, sunblock, join battle, sunbonnet, sunburned, bath, bathe, baths, bathos, bathtub, sabbath, bathing, birdbath, bathrobe, bathroom, steam bath, bath towel, bathymetry, batholith, take a bath, bathing suit.