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Steven spielberg in a sentence

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Sentence count:32Posted:2024-05-08Updated:2024-05-08
Similar words: spielbergrobert louis stevensonstevensstevensonadlai stevensonlevel bestspielsteel beltMeaning: n. United States filmmaker (born in 1947). 
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1 'Jaws' was directed by Steven Spielberg.
2 The movie was directed by Steven Spielberg.
3 A writer is suing director Steven Spielberg for allegedly stealing his film idea.
4 The first star of a Steven Spielberg feature film may not be a name you recognize.
5 As with all Steven Spielberg productions - visually it's a stunner.
6 In 1985, Steven Spielberg responded to an ordinary question with an extraordinary answer.
7 Some guy named Steven Spielberg was No. 10.
8 Getting to Know Steven Spielberg.
9 Steven Spielberg , whose mother was a music teacher, was born in 1946.
10 He will also star in a Steven Spielberg remake of the 1947 comedy The Secret Life of Walter Mitty .
11 Steven Spielberg and Hanks executive-produced this ten-part mini-series about the Marines who fought from Okinawa to Iwo Jima.
12 The film directors Martin Scorsese and Steven Spielberg also paid tribute.
13 Leading Hollywood figures including Martin Scorsese, Steven Spielberg, Francis Ford Coppola and Juliette Binoche condemned his arrest. Binoche held up Panahi's name in protest at Cannes.
14 "J.J. makes the audience wait for it," says Steven Spielberg, a producer and abettor of Super 8.
15 Leading Hollywood figures including Martin Scorsese, Steven Spielberg, Francis Ford Coppola and Juliette Binoche condemned his arrest.
16 Steven Spielberg and Tom Hanks, honored for their HBO miniseries Band of Brothers, were absent.
17 Rowling and Steven Spielberg, who create it and reap a large proportion of the rewards.
18 Many said the special effects, a hallmark of director Steven Spielberg, were amazing.
19 She was approached for the lead role in a Hollywood production to be directed by Steven Spielberg.
20 Chinese walked into a bar in America late one night and he saw Steven Spielberg.
21 Spike Lee and Susan Sarandon expected at the Creative Coalition Party, and a Huffington Post party anticipating Halle Berry, Leonardo DiCaprio, Steven Spielberg, Sharon Stone and Stevie Wonder.
22 Look at Jurassic Park – great book by Michael Crichton, great movie by Steven Spielberg – but beneath the surface they have very little in common.
23 Directed by 'Iron Man' filmmaker Jon Favreau, the movie includes Steven Spielberg,( Ron Howard and Brian Grazer among its producers and executive producers.
24 Imagine, leading a mean reading Reliance 's name credit titles of a Steven Spielberg, it film.
25 Experts say possible victims, including international banks and movie maker Steven Spielberg, are not likely to get much back.
26 Imagine reading Reliance's name in the credit titles of a Steven Spielberg film.
27 DOUG JOHNSON: Our question this week comes from Shandong in China. Guo Chungyu wants to know about moviemaker Steven Spielberg.
28 J. makes the audience wait for it, " says Steven Spielberg, a producer and abettor of Super 8."
29 It comes on the international map. That is the biggest advantage. Imagine reading Reliance's name in the credit titles of a Steven Spielberg film. It means a lot.
30 Imagine reading Reliance's meaning name in the ? credit titles of the a Steven Spielberg ? film.
More similar words: spielbergrobert louis stevensonstevensstevensonadlai stevensonlevel bestspielsteel beltget evenspielerdalbergiaStevein that eventfirst-everstevedorewhatever happensspitsbergensubsequent eventfield eventeven sosevensevensongelbeseven seassteinbergeven numberevergreen stateflabbergastedat sixes and sevensalbert einstein
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