Synonym: greatest, sterling, superlative. Similar words: pound sterling, austerlitz, silver lining, berlin airlift, underline, borderline, orderliness, afterlife. Meaning: ['stɜrlɪŋ /'stɜːl-] n. British money; especially the pound sterling as the basic monetary unit of the UK. adj. highest in quality.
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31. The acceleration in the decline of manufacturing industry is being blamed on the high value of sterling.
32. A run on sterling has killed off hopes of a rate cut.
33. Sterling has been hit by the economy's failure to pull out of recession.
34. He has sterling qualities.
35. She enjoys a sterling reputation in law enforcement circles and among the community in general.
36. Investors are taking their cue from the big banks and selling sterling.
37. She has sterling qualities.
38. The foreign bank gains the sterling deposits.
39. They will therefore sell sterling and buy foreign currencies.
40. That is, exchange sterling to put lire on deposit.
41. This is typically between sterling, dollars and euros.
42. We begin with the short-term sterling deposit contract.
43. We shall concentrate attention on the sterling deposit contract.
44. These will be deposited in the Sterling Memorial Library.
45. Tuition Fees must be paid in pounds sterling.
46. Both exerted downward pressure on the sterling exchange rate.
47. The results of overseas subsidiaries are translated into sterling at average rates for the year.
48. Gold and cash reserves fell by around £2 billion as a result of the sterling crisis.
49. However, she cautioned against taking out euro loans just yet because of the exchange risk while sterling floated against the euro.
50. Foreign currency assets and liabilities are translated into sterling at the rates of exchange at the balance sheet date.
51. Once intervention rates have been altered in this fashion,[] a change in rates will occur across all sterling money markets.
52. The Bank is a major player in the sterling money market, buying and selling Treasury bills on a daily basis.
53. All the other measures of money supply only include sterling.
54. Perhaps you have one doing sterling service, that you would like others to see.
55. And by now the Prime Minister has moved on to the next sterling crisis.
56. If people think exchange rates will rise, they will demand sterling while it is still relatively cheap.
57. Most of the business was in shorter-term sterling futures as the pound gained against other currencies.
58. In all three cases net sterling payments to the government's accounts at the Bank reduce market liquidity.
59. And this did raise the whole issue of the future of the sterling area.
60. But many dealers remain convinced that the mark has peaked against both sterling and the dollar.
More similar words: pound sterling, austerlitz, silver lining, berlin airlift, underline, borderline, orderliness, afterlife, darling, curling, swirling, yearling, pestering, blistering, clustering, underlie, boiling water, administering, yesterday morning, airline, surliness, bitterly, interloper, interlock, interlude, cover letter, mudslinging, lingering, sinking feeling, clinging.