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Spokeswoman in a sentence

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Sentence count:191+1Posted:2018-03-19Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: saleswomanspokesmanspokespersonkinswomanbusinesswomanspokespokenbespokeMeaning: n. a female spokesperson. 
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91. A Microsoft spokeswoman, Catherine Brooker, said no money had changed hands, but did not say whether the contract had been withdrawn.
92. Luba Israeli police spokeswoman told Agence France-Presse correspondent in Sam, the man about 20 years old, from the West Bank city of Nablus.
93. Kraft spokeswoman declined to comment, as did a spokesman for Mr. Peltz.
94. We apologize for any inconvenience to our customers, '' Microsoft spokeswoman Catherine Brooker said in statement Saturday.
95. Lisa Block, a spokeswoman for the Texas State Police, said troopers were flooded with calls around the same time from McLennan County, which includes Waco, and Kaufman County, southeast of Dallas.
96. A spokeswoman for Travelodge said they had seen a rise in the number of toiletry bags being left behind in their 487 hotels.
97. A U.N. spokeswoman, Elizabeth Byrs, says a search and rescue mission arrived in the area Tuesday morning.
98. Last year, Chinese managers at Collum Coal Mine shot and injured at least 13 miners during a wage protest, according to Ndandula Siamana, a Zambia police spokeswoman.
99. "It was pollution that built up in low-pressure weather, " said a spokeswoman, who said she based her analysis on satellite data.
100. Lee Antonio, spokeswoman for Hoffman Estates-based Sears, said Sears and Dominick's share many of the same customers, and the promotion takes advantage of the demographic overlap.
101. A company spokeswoman declined to comment on the advertising campaign.
102. 'There's a lot of commonality between global consumers due to instantaneous communication[], ' a spokeswoman said. 'Everybody's looking at the same celebrities carrying the same bags.
103. Bank of America spokeswoman Anne Pace declined to comment on the Bank Transfer Day campaign.
104. "The programme went out on August 7 and we've received thousands of calls, " said a spokeswoman for the young farmers' union ASAJA in the central Spanish region of Castilla-Leon.
105. The centerfold picture in the June edition of Playboy will be in 3-D, Playboy spokeswoman Theresa Hennessey said Tuesday.
106. A World Food Program spokeswoman, Emilia Casella, says people are suffering from a critical shortage of food.
107. The medical examiner's office planned an autopsy Wednesday, spokeswoman Ellen Borakove said.
108. A Microsoft spokeswoman said the company leaves it up to third-party developers to support the Dvorak layout on Windows Mobile phones.
109. A Chrysler spokeswoman said the loss for 2008 an updated figure.
110. No one was hurt in the incident,[] a TAM spokeswoman said.
111. The experience is supposed to make the mind clear, says the spokeswoman.
112. Spokeswoman Jiang says China wants the men to be prosecuted in China, because they are members of the East Turkestan terrorist organization, which is on a sanction list of the U.N. Security Council.
113. US military spokeswoman said no enemy fire was near either helicopter accident.
114. Everyone in all the cities gets up around the same time in the mornings, between 6:30 and 7:00," said the Ajinomoto spokeswoman.
115. A GM spokeswoman said those grants were long - term incentive compensation awarded in earlier years.
116. "The power of the people changed the regime," said Gehan Shaaban, a spokeswoman. "But we shouldn't trust the army. We should trust ourselves, the people of Egypt." .
117. Ships continue to load normally at port, according to the spokeswoman.
118. Trent Spencer, 27, of Edmond, north of Oklahoma City, was charged with the misdemeanour crime of filing a false report, said police spokeswoman Glynda Chu.
119. He died "peacefully and comfortably in his sleep", a spokeswoman at his care home, St Dunstan's near Brighton, East Sussex, said yesterday.
120. We apologize for any inconvenience to our customers,' Microsoft spokeswoman Catherine Brooker said.
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