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Servo in a sentence

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Sentence count:280Posted:2018-01-29Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: reservoirfervourfervornervousnervouslynervousnessnervous systemnervous tissueMeaning: n. control system that converts a small mechanical motion into one requiring much greater power; may include a negative feedback system. adj. of or involving servomechanisms. 
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121. At first, the pneumatic position servo control system is analyzed systemically.
122. A series of uniaxial compression tests of the 18 layers of argillite with different water content are conducted in Rock Mechanics Rigidity Servo Testing System(RMT-150B).
123. The temperature sensors, start switch S1, and current control potentiometer are all connected to the board using servo lead wire (available at many hobby shops in 10 foot lengths).
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124. The simulation model has been successfully applied in the study of a certain self-propelled gun servo system.
125. The new manner of active constraint force to control the machinery is broadened the apply of Lagrange equation and break a new thinking for the servo control.
126. Servo feed system comprehensive pull-pressing rigidity is made up of the rigidity of servo drive system and the rigidity of mechanical transmission system, and each is affected by multiple factors.
127. In the AGC system, the AGC hydraulic cylinder is connected with AGC servo valve through the oil feeder.
128. Completed the design of servo control card which including the DSP minimal systems, rotary encoder module[], D/A converter circuit using the TMS320LF2407A as core control chip.
129. If you are using an expansion board, you will have several more servo power options, which are discussed in the Expansion Board section.
130. If the whole single AC servo control system is accomplish, farther research is must.
131. According to requirements of different users, filling system can adopt different pump such as: glass pump, metal pump, and servo system or peristaltic pump.
132. The feasibility of indentation depth measured by servo gun online was studied.
133. The combination of speed control and location control of servo driver realized the accurate control of crane's location and steeve's movement.
134. A split electrode piezoelectric composite suspension, based on the width bending mode, was designed for the dual stage servo system of rigid disk drive.
135. So improving the tracking ability of a theodolite for the fast moving target is the orientation of the photoelectrical tracking and servo system all along.
136. It introduces the recently-developed BKD series of distance-controlled servo control system of variable-section automobile plate spring mill.
137. This thesis analyses and studies the electric powered servo load system deeper based on the load system of one minitype robot bomb undercarriage, and brings forward some effectual control methods.
138. Describes the operation and matter needing attention of active servo lung ASL 5000.
139. The complete size grading concrete was loaded by hydraulic pressure servo system in the test equipment.
140. Throttle Fail Safe is a feature that will move the throttle servo to a preset position that you set.
141. Considering the visual serving, this paper proposed a model independent uncalibration visual servo control method.
142. The design of servo system for pitch attitudes of a mine hunting sonar array was made using frequency domain control and variable structure control respectively.
143. A electrohydraulic servo rectify deviation control system, which possesses derivative control law for the web deviation on the winder of paper making machine, is proposed.
144. In this paper several dynamic testing methods of electrohydraulic servo systems are introduced, including stochastic noise test, hammering test and sweep frequency test.
145. The displacement-dependent periodic thrust fluctuation caused by end effect of permanent-magnet linear synchronous motor (PMLSM) and the friction can affect the servo performance of the system.
146. Automatic pilot drives rudders by communicating with servo controller through CAN bus.
147. Track density can be greatly enhanced by employing optical servo technology in a disk drive.
148. Implementation of Embedded DSP-based precision tracking servo system to achieve the fine tracking servo system of light miniaturization.
149. And theoretical basis is presented to further apply nozzle - flapper valve to two - stage electro - hydraulic servo valve .
150. In light of the reliability under the most severe working conditions, a new design provided with two working chambers and accompanied by hydraulic servo and mechanical self-sealing is put forward.
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