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Servo in a sentence

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Sentence count:280Posted:2018-01-29Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: reservoirfervourfervornervousnervouslynervousnessnervous systemnervous tissueMeaning: n. control system that converts a small mechanical motion into one requiring much greater power; may include a negative feedback system. adj. of or involving servomechanisms. 
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91. The electro - hydraulic servo system and motor - servo system for the chamfering feed control were separately illuminated.
92. After many years of accumulation, such as domestic eston Nanjing, Beijing and Lee, NC Central, Mandarin motor, Wuhan Dench, the time of servo technology products has made great breakthrough.
93. A discussion of some principles and ways in remounting the servo disk is also incluede in this
94. The disc servo track writer is used to accomplish the servo track recording.
95. When the open-loop gain of servo system is determined, the selection of DAC resolution and gear ratio is restricted each other and should be paid much attention in the design of servo system.
96. AC servo motor control board - forward, stop, and ensure the nail - distance and accuracy.
97. The servo system control is a key technology of the CD unit.
98. A new - style missile actuator servo control system is studied in the dissertation.
99. The fault diagnosis of gyroflex servo loop using BP neural network has been simulated(, and the results are very satisfactory.
100. According to the feed-velocity demand of the underwater guillotine saw that is a kind of offshore engineering tool, a system which servo valve control hydraulic motor is developed.
101. In view of a specific X-Y numerical-control work table, the servo system mathematical model is established considering frictional influence.
102. E 620054 Feeder sensor stopped. Servo is in the free state.
103. NET head driving adopts AC servo motor speed control system.
104. To develop the mechanism of one-axis servo motor table is to avoid the vibration caused by moving the motion table and to reduce experimental error.
105. It is demonstrated that direct drive electro-hydraulic servo system can replace the traditional electro-hydraulic servo system in the low frequency response.
106. The servo control system that can insulate ship - swaying interference was designed.
107. Recently, introduce the segmentation with servo - motor driven gravure press.
108. The electric-hydraulic servo motor positioned by the rotating disc consists of a rotating disc servo valve and a hydraulic motor.
109. The main loop circuit, the micro-processor, the interface circuit and the power unit of the servo system were introduced in hardware design.
110. Servo feeding system is part of CNC machine tool, the control precision is very important.
111. One such means, which is very effective, is the geared or servo tab.
112. AC servo system is part of the numerical control machine tools.
113. Servo valves consists of feedback - electric - hydraulic servo valve and position feedback servo valves.
114. This paper presents a simple gain-variable PI controller used for hydraulic servo system control.
115. On the basis, the corresponding research on control strategy has been studied for the pneumatic servo positioning system.
116. Permanent AC servo motor control system of lockstitch sewing machine is introduced.
117. The application of computer-aided test (CAT) provides a brilliant future for characteristic test of servo valve and the technique of virtual instruments brings CAT into a new developing stage.
118. Servo motor, automatic, intelligence, system of soldering flux:Computer work out PCB size and flux time during product different products; Insure flux effect accordantly .
119. The anodized aluminium housing design helps the servo to stay cool and smooth, and are equipped with a precision coreless motor which makes for a smoother, faster and more efficient servo.
120. and manufactures electro - optical surveillance, tracking and fire - control systems, servo - controlled stabilised platforms and TV cameras.
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