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Sands in a sentence

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Sentence count:212+3Posted:2017-05-28Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: sandstonesandstormthousandsodds and endsfits and startsby fits and startsat sixes and sevensgoods and servicesMeaning: [sænd]  n. the region of the shore of a lake or sea or ocean. 
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(121) Soon after the Sands dustup , Dennis staged another remarkable comeback.
(122) The fine sands in the Onqin Daga Sandy Land may be in part caused by the pedogenesis occurring under the relatively humid conditions.
(123) Even the most expensive crude, squeezed from Canada's bitumen-soaked oil sands, is profitable at current price levels, provided the field is up and running.
(124) Experiment of convective drying of wet quartz sands as porous media, which had adiabatic-impermeable boundary of undersurface and convective boundary of upside, was carried out in laboratory.
(125) Lighted by a normal flashlight, tar patties appear dark brown against the sands of Pensacola Beach, Florida.
(126) The research discovers that compression wave quality factor of the sands in desert surface increases as the buried depth and the compression wave velocity's increase.
(127) Also preparing to spin off Macau operations through an IPO is Adelson's Las Vegas Sands (LVS), although the company has yet to provide any specific details of the offering.
(128) Tour fare includes Saguaro, White Sands, Lake Powell, Petrified Forest National Park entrance fee.
(129) Philippe Sands, professor of law at University College London, believes the Libyan leader is at personal risk.
(130) Greenhouse gas emissions of tar sands crude are 40% higher than conventional oil, and the open-pit mining has devastated Alberta's boreal forest.
(131) PetroChina's international arm will also provide some financing for AOSC, which controls about 1.3 million acres of oil sands properties in the Canadian province of Alberta.
(131) Wish you can benefit from and make progress everyday!
(132) Dynamic properties of saturated silts and silty sands were studied with the resonant column and dynamic triaxial apparatus which were developed by bender element.
(133) Glancing at the cliffs so precipitous , ho , I set foot on the sands so warm.
(134) Figure 5 . Shear and bulk modulus relation for sandstone and weakly cemented sands.
(135) Total SA has agreed to buy UTS Energy Corp for C$1.5 billion ($1.42 billion) in cash, twice the amount the French oil major offered for the Canadian oil sands developer 18 months ago.
(136) Adopt flocking alluvial gold craft, a grain by a grain of sands, with her own language told the millennium with enterprise culture, the golden art, with his special charm, against the green vigor.
(137) Sand bodies served as reservoirs in the study area are mainly underwater distributary channel sands, channel-mouth bar sands, front sheet bar sands and far bar sands.
(138) The sand that makes up the dunes in White Sands National Monument are made of gypsum, an evaporite mineral left behind when bodies of water dry up.
(139) His most recent position was as executive vice president, Oil Sands.
(140) It is demonstrated that the west of the depression was the main source supply area during S4 period, where had developed 4 major sources and formed fan delta sands like Shen257, Shen225.
(141) Earlier this year, PetroChina Co. moved to buy a 60% working interest in Athabasca Oil Sands Corp.'s MacKay River and Dover oil-sands projects for C$1.9 billion.
(142) The Okavango covers thousands of square miles[], but it is really just a thin sheet of water stretched across the sands of the Kalahari.
(143) S. energy imports. The country's oil production has been increasing since 1999, as new oil sands and offshore projects have come on-stream to replace aging fields in the western provinces.
(144) Coast-dune-rocks are formed in deposits of wind-drift sands through, carbonate cementation and show typical features of wind-borne deposits in texture and structure.
(145) Corresponding to water hearing shaly sands, the CRL phase angel of oil-bearing shaly sands is large. Meanwhile, it increases with the increasing oil saturation .
(146) Climb to the top of Chichen Itza's world-famous "El Castillo", or just kick back on the warm sands of Playa del Carmen.
(147) The occurrence and texture and structure of sandy dolarenite show that the beach sands was transported into to the sea in the process of transgression, and mixed with dolomitic interclastics.
(148) These may eventually coalesce to form an anastomosing system of channel sands within a broad valley.
(149) Cuspate deltaic sands micro-facies, which formed at the time of powerful wave action, the continuity of marine distributary channel is bad, and distributes in cuspate shape.
(150) The country's oil production has been increasing since 1999, as new oil sands and offshore projects have come on-stream to replace aging fields in the western provinces.
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