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Sands in a sentence

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Sentence count:212+3Posted:2017-05-28Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: sandstonesandstormthousandsodds and endsfits and startsby fits and startsat sixes and sevensgoods and servicesMeaning: [sænd]  n. the region of the shore of a lake or sea or ocean. 
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(151) One is "Cockscomb Flowers" oil painting series, the other is "Flying Sands" comprehensive material series.
(152) Janet Scott, of the still-birth and neonatal-death charity Sands, said: "We would like to see further research into sleep in pregnancy encouraged and funded as a matter of urgency.
(153) There are other routes and you can even create your own (with help from the Holey Trail bike shop) in the hills overlooking the sands of the wide Dyfi estuary.
(154) However, these I don't care, only to find the drinks here no sands tastiness just.
(155) "International law recognises that there are exceptional circumstances where necessity precludes wrongfulness, and this will be said to be one of those cases, " Mr Sands told the BBC.
(156) The sands are running out on your opportunity to say you love her.
(157) Located at the northern end of the Chihuahuan Desert, the White Sands National Monument is the largest gypsum dune field in the world.
(158) Business leaders like Standard Chartered Bank head Peter Sands - who is part of a spinoff business summit here - do not.
(159) Also, there were asura kings, who were as numerous as the sands of 60 Ganges.
(160) A West Coast oil port would open the Alberta oil sands to Asian markets, including China.
(161) One such war-time service was held on the black sands of Iwo Jima more than sixty years ago.
(162) Sands of the desert,( rise and block off the sun! -- Ossirian the unscarred.
(163) Based on the assumption of undrained behavior, author has proposed previously a finite element method for calculating the pore pressure and permanent deformation of saturated sands during earthquake.
(164) June 5, 2008—The foundations of a pyramid long lost under the sands of Egypt lie exposed on June 2, 2008. Archaeologists today announced the rediscovery of the ruins in Saqqara, south of Cairo.
(165) The validity of unified hardening parameter H on describing the stress-strain properties of sands was confirmed by the triaxial test data of saturated sand from Taklamakan desert.
(166) Sands, the world's most-valuable casino company, could tap the Hong Kong IPO market as early as this month, hoping to raise up to $3 billion for some of its Macau assets.
(167) Synopsis : A calculating method of clay distribution in molding sands by computer is developed.
(168) The sands of time are running out for the central star of this hourglass-shaped planetary nebula.
(169) Jonathan Sands, designer and founder of design business Elmwood agrees.
(170) I did a story on the condominium dweller's revolt at Golden sands.
(171) But on the hardpan or sands(, pipe-drived pile has almost same or lower number compared with bored pile because of sand's liquefaction.
(172) Liquefaction of saturated sands remains an important topic in geotechnical earthquake engineering.
(173) There are also unconventional oil resources now being brought to the market, including shale oil from tar sands.
(174) Based on fracture mechanics, the concept of thermal equivalent toughness is employed to evaluate the strengthened toughness of resin sands at elevated temperatures.
(175) The shore-shallow lake and hemi-deep-deep lake develop in the first and second member of Nenjiang formation, and thin bed beach sands distribute fragmentarily.
(176) Firstly, the empirical equation of cyclic resistance ratio of saturated sands with different probability levels was utilized to evaluate the earthquake-induced site liquefaction potential.
(177) Canada's oil sands, or tar sands, as the goo is known, are outsized in every way.
(178) The Sands casino in Atlantic City closed in November to make way for a new mega - casino.
(179) The ratio of net debt to EBITDA for Wynn is estimated to be 4.6 times, much lower than Sands at 10.8 times, by the end of 2009, according to a report by JP Morgan.
(180) Holidaymaker Jay Goss, 31, watched in amazement from his parents' seaside cottage at Big Sands in Wester Ros.
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