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Rind in a sentence

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Sentence count:123+4Posted:2017-01-31Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: peelskinSimilar words: bear in mindfindmindkindwindyindiaindexblindMeaning: [raɪnd]  n. 1. the tissue forming the hard outer layer (of e.g. a fruit) 2. the natural outer covering of food (usually removed before eating). 
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(91) pan-fry beef ribs in 2 tbsp oil until golden yellow and done. Stir in sauce mix and heat through. Sprinkle with lemon rind.
(92) Remove rind from the cheese and work it to a firm paste, with a fork.
(93) Pith The white fibrous skin between fresh and the rind of citrus fruit.
(94) Large oblong or roundish melon with a hard green rind and sweet watery red or occasionally yellowish pulp.
(95) Oil spotting ( oleocellosis) was a prevalent physiological rind disorder of citrus fruits that was caused by the action of phytotoxic rind oils released from the oil cells in the flavedo.
(96) Any of various tendril-bearing plants of the genus Cucurbita, having fleshy edible fruit with a leathery rind and unisexual flowers.
(97) Additional Liquid Siliconc rubber is a special Rind of silicone rubber, whichpossess unique properties.
(98) ABA treatment improved the rind redness but decreased rind brightness and yellowness.
(99) The usually lightly furrowed or ribbed rind is smooth stem is hard and woody.
(100) Put the chicken back in the pan, skin-side down, along with any juices, plus the orange rind, star anise[], water or stock and orange juice.
(101) When you are skinning your purchasers , you should depart some rind on to grow so that you can rind them repeatedly. Nikita Khrushchev, Statsman of the sometime Soviet Union.
(102) After storing 150 days, taking a sample from the granulation(rind puffing)fruit, the nucleus, nucleolus, mitochondrion and chromoplast could also be seen.
(103) I also zested the pan with fresh lemon rind before filling with batter. Spelt flour in place of all-purpose.
(104) Pan - fry beef ribs in 2 tbsp oil until golden yellow and done. Stir in sauce mix and heat through. Sprinkle with lemon rind.
(105) The sapindus-saponin extracted from the rind peel of natural sapindus mukorossi by the microwave extraction method.
(106) A variety of squash having an elongated shape and a smooth , thin, dark green rind.
(107) Simply rub lemon rind over the chrome and watch it shine!
(108) Enriched with Lemon Rind[], Tea Tree and Spearmint Leaf extracts.
(109) French lavender, sweet basil, and citrus vetiver infuse with Italian lemon leaf and orange rind.
(110) Aroma: Classic lime infused with lemon rind and pear characters, enhanced by subtle spice and mineral tones.
(111) I also zested the pan with fresh lemon rind before filling with batter.
(112) Knead risen yeast with flour, eggs, remaining sugar, milk, salt, butter and the grated lemon rind into a smooth dough. Rise for an hour.
(113) A type of winter squash shaped somewhat like an acorn and having longitudinal ridges, a variously colored rind, and yellow to orange flesh.
(114) A pale yellow cheese, with or without holes, that has a firm texture and a golden-brown rind and is often used in cooking.
(115) This paper describes the profiling mechanism of Hami melon rind planer. The structural model and main structural size of profiling mechanism is designed.
(116) The pharmaceutical composition is mainly prepared by glabrous sarcandra herb, pomegranate rind and common ginger charcoal according to certain mix ratio by weight.
(117) Add the chopped lemon and orange rind to the mortar and stir with a spoon to remove the last traces of sticky resin from the sides.
(118) Measure flour, sugar and poppy seeds into a large bowl. Grate in lemon rind.
(119) Pour red wine, lemon rind , lemon juice, basil, coriander and oregano leaves. Mix.
(120) As they ripen, a delicious soft - to near - liquid layer forms below the rind.
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