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Retrieve in a sentence

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Sentence count:280+7Posted:2017-03-26Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: call backcall upfindrecallrecollectrecoverregainrememberthinkSimilar words: grievereprieveaggrievedretributionmeretriciousdeveloping countriessievegrievousMeaning: [rɪ'trɪːv]  v. 1. get or find back; recover the use of 2. run after, pick up, and bring to the master 3. recall knowledge from memory; have a recollection. 
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91. He has spent $ 200,000 so far trying to retrieve his children, and his business has almost collapsed.
92. Davis told police that he had returned to retrieve Polly about 30 minutes later.
93. Julia rubbed her eyes with a handkerchief and then went to retrieve her drink.
94. Spending one dollar to retrieve thirty was absolutely worthwhile.
95. Retrieve data to support ad hoc and recurring queries.
96. Retrieve the customer name, discount, credit information from CUSTOMER.
97. Use the xulrunner API to retrieve the highlighted text.
98. Cannot retrieve file mapping size while initializing configuration settings.
99. Parameters: Retrieve the parameters of the lambda expression.
100. Did he retrieve the missing file on Operation Nightfall?
101. The depositor may retrieve the deposit at any time.
102. The business - tier object interacts with the underlying data source to retrieve or update data.
103. If the animals stray onto private land, the landowner may require the government to retrieve them.
104. This paper mainly introduce the construction of near-real time GPS water vapor auto processing system and the process which retrieve the atmospheric Precipitable Water Vapor.
105. The basis for training relies on the dog's natural instinct to hunt and retrieve.
106. This article contains a number of code examples that show how to save and retrieve data.
107. In this case(, the scheduler on the DB2 UDB server needs to connect to the tools catalog database in order to retrieve any required information about the tasks to be run.
108. Naively one would first determine the maximum order id for the customer and then use this ID to retrieve the carrier and the entry date.
109. This feature allows you to store/retrieve XML data natively without any mapping or conversion required.
110. When A2 commits the insert, because IS and IX table lock mode are compatible, application A1 can reopen the cursor and retrieve the inserted row.
111. The repositories are the kernel of distributed integrated information system for product design, The efficiency and reality of knowledge retrieve have great effect on the performance of system.
112. Enterprise beans were used only to retrieve and update data.
113. Congmin offers money to retrieve the incriminatory evidence. Hongyuan quotes a price of 50million dollars.
113. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
114. Sassafras oil has a spicy-nutty smell that can remind one to retrieve one's passion for the dreams that one is dreaming.
115. An information retrieval system uses phrases to index, retrieve, organize and describe documents.
116. In order for a Prover to retrieve a U-Prove token from an Issuer, the two parties must engage in an instance of the U-Prove issuance protocol.
117. To retrieve this service document, you need to know the server name along with a user ID and password to connect to the server.
118. For example, the requester may use one form of message to retrieve customer information, and the provider may use another form.
119. To retrieve the location (longitude and latitude) information, the following highlighted code segment has to be used in Visual Basic .NET, as described in Listing 10.
120. And another one said, "we know what our Master in the U. S. suffered a lot in order to retrieve earthling."
More similar words: grievereprieveaggrievedretributionmeretriciousdeveloping countriessievegrievousgrievancerelievethievesachievebelieverelievedbelieve indisbelieveunrelievedretractretreatmake-believeachievementretreatedmetricretractileretrospectget rid ofpetrifytrieddetritusdo the trick
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