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Reckoning in a sentence

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Sentence count:147+4Posted:2017-06-07Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: calculationcomputationcountcountingenumerationfiguringnumerationtallySimilar words: reckonbeckonneck or nothingzoningboningcloningswooningrationingMeaning: ['reknɪŋ]  n. 1. problem solving that involves numbers or quantities 2. a bill for an amount due 3. the act of counting. 
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121) By a simple data filtration mechanism and classified data distribution method, and considering the Dead Reckoning algorithm, the real-time performance and the reliability were improved.
122) Driven from their homeland by a force beyond reckoning, the norn have regrouped among the dwarven ruins of the Shiverpeaks.
123) It was cloudy; and the captain had to calculate our position by dead reckoning.
124) There will be a day of reckoning for what you have done to me!
125) In dead reckoning for vehicles, the magnetic sens or is better than gyroscope in performance and price ratio.
126) SHIRLEY GRIFFITH: When bad weather prevented navigators from seeing the sun, moon or stars, they had to use a method called "dead reckoning" to find the ship's position.
127) Using dead reckoning near the southern most area of South America called for an expert.
128) Interpolation between satellite positions was initially carried out by dead - reckoning procedures.
129) Police officers on the case are reckoning to charge someone very shortly.
130) Experiment results show that the position extrapolation algorithm can reduce state update packets and deviation of reckoning trace in first-person shooting game.
131) Jonathan Swift (1667-1745) by most reckoning is the best English-language satirist ever, and one of the world's greatest as well.
132) Archellomonde: Hear me, night elves! The time for reckoning has come!
133) Commercial real estate faces its own reckoning. When the housing market began to fade at the end of 2005, it kicked off a boom in nonresidential construction.
134) The day of reckoning was fast approaching, and none of us are ready yet!
135) For those manufacturers and importers who still refuse to modernize, the day of economic reckoning is fast approaching.
136) The analysis and design of the public room management and automatics cost reckoning system are introduced.
137) Dead Reckoning(DR)algorithm is an important technique which is widely used in distributed interactive simulation.
138) This paper addressed an approach of low cost pedestrian dead reckoning by using different idea from traditional dead reckoning.
139) The reckoning up of revenue and expenditure shows a small surplus.
140) China's final day of reckoning is probably 10 years away.
141) The reckoning of descent in the female line and the matriarchal law of inheritance were thereby overthrown,( and the male line of descent and the paternal law of inheritance were substituted for them.
142) The reckoning diagram of coke yield for domestic coal resource is obtained on basis of first-hand date of thermal test and analysis fo r20 coke ovens by almost ten years' work.
143) I came to the bar, and paid my reckoning, telling my landlady I had gotten my passage by sea in a wherry.
144) Even if it does, this just postpones the day of reckoning.
145) It is a very important link for autonomous navigation of mobile robot to have an ability in accurate and reliable dead reckoning.
146) Integrating the two position methods: global positioning system and dead reckoning, the data fusion method is set up for Vehicle GPS/DR Integrated Navigation System.
147) Sometimes the reckoning takes longer, after the parades are over, flags furled and cased, subjects quietly changed.
More similar words: reckonbeckonneck or nothingzoningboningcloningswooningrationingpoisoningreasoningseasoningburgeoningenvisioningpositioningback onpick ontack onprovisioningironing boardconditioningrepositioningfood poisoninggo back onfall back onair conditioningknock-on effectcheckoutcheck outglobal positioning systemdeck of cards
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