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Rebuilding in a sentence

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Sentence count:202+1Posted:2017-01-02Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: buildingbuilding materialsrebuildbuildbuild upbuilderholding outscaldingMeaning: [‚rɪː'bɪld]  n. building again. 
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151. Regulation and rebuilding of landscape structure are the keys to redevelop the regional safe ecological pattern.
152. He quoted from the Book of Nehemiah, which tells the story of rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem.
153. Today a resurgent, confident and globalising China is rebuilding its naval strength.
154. If the thousands who will read this short word this night will do all they can to hinder the rebuilding of this accursed Jericho, the Lord's glory shall speed among the sons of men.
155. Much of the anticipated recovery was seen driven by businesses rebuilding their inventories after aggressively reducing unwanted stockpiles of unsold goods to match weak demand.
156. He had physical therapy, then occupational therapy to begin rebuilding his body.
157. During the high road rebuilding, how to assess the supporting capacity and the utilizable value of old spandrel filled arch correctly is the key problem.
158. Some rebuilding has commenced, but a major frustration is that too many people are languishing in temporary housing.
159. The old city district is a new face after rebuilding and construction.
160. As rescue efforts continued and with rebuilding efforts on the horizon, it appeared that government officials began to acknowledge that overdevelopment may have contributed to the disaster.
161. A phone call from Jackson, who attempted to convince Bryant to give the Lakers another chance and that the team would rededicate itself to an improved roster and not long-term rebuilding.
162. Rebuilding the data of CAD, make the data of DLG suited GIS inputting and data sharing.
163. The remote simple substation realized electric quantity collection through designing and rebuilding the existing wattmeter, transmission approach and key station.
164. Among her suggestions: retooling factories to focus on rebuilding America's transportation system.
165. Rebuilding near - surface velocity field is very important for calculating statics.
166. We can pass a road construction bill so construction crews – now sitting idle – can head back to the worksite, rebuilding roads, bridges, and airports.
167. The Future: The Grizzlies have followed Rebuilding 101 to a tee and are now sitting right where they need to be to turn the corner.
168. CONCLUSION: An early operation for the intermittent exotropia and the instruction of synoptophore after the operation are suggested for rebuilding binocular single vision.
169. Rebuilding the superstructure of a modern market economy is essential.
170. He set about rebuilding France, and made it into a brilliant - looking modernized imperialism.
171. Horta said he hopes China will continue its support for the rebuilding of East Timor. Meanwhile(, he reiterated that the government of East Timor will continue to adhere to its One China policy.
172. AIM: To evaluate the effect of the fusion function training on the binocular vision rebuilding in patients underwent intermittent exotropia operation.
173. But rebuilding their confidence could take time, says Brian Reid, chief economist of the Investment Company Institute, a mutual-fund trade group.
174. Rebuilding design successfully for the internal medium scale lipidic chemical plant, to provide technical services successfully for part of the fine chemical industry enterprises.
175. In the course of rebuilding the credit order, the concerned system has its key role.
176. Adding drives and rebuilding the array with the proper specifications will improve performance dramatically on the hardware level.
177. As talks in Cairo continued, the European Union called for the quick formation of a unity government, and the reopening of passages into Gaza, in order to begin rebuilding the war-torn territory.
177. Wish you can benefit from and make progress everyday!
178. The constitutional evolution could include the intersectant applications of such manners as rebuilding, amendment, and interpretation.
179. Many of London's finest buildings date from the subsequent period of rebuilding.
180. The orientation of rebuilding image and appreciating syllepsis is a very ideal aesthetic approach that is worth for us of carrying on and forward.
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