Similar words: spunk, pun, junk, funk, dunk, puny, spun, skunk. Meaning: [pʌŋk] n. 1. an aggressive and violent young criminal 2. substance that smolders when ignited; used to light fuses (especially fireworks) 3. material for starting a fire 4. a teenager or young adult who is a performer (or enthusiast) of punk rock and a member of the punk youth subculture 5. rock music with deliberately offensive lyrics expressing anger and social alienation; in part a reaction against progressive rock. adj. of very poor quality; flimsy.
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31. What's more, the growing climate of controversy surrounding punk had aroused Branson's instincts.
32. Many punk bands extended this antagonism to all established rock musicians over the age of twenty-five.
33. I'd like to find the punk who broke off my car antenna.
34. The train slowed down as it reached the next station and the Punk stood up and came down the aisle towards them.
35. Sue with the punk haircut leans forward and smashes Jimmy Grady hard across the ear.
36. And finally, don't miss Albuquerque's amazing punk band, playing tonight at the Lunar Club.
37. They mixed funk and punk; they sang nasty songs; they took drugs; they seemed to party all the time.
38. Hell is one of the early unsung heroes of New York punk music.
39. The only missing link in the resurrection of Jersey-based punk ghouls the Misfits is co-founder, songwriter and vocalist, Glenn Danzig.
40. Sid Vicious, the smack-addled punk who stabbed his girlfriend in Sid and Nancy.
41. Rip Rig created a heady hybrid out of the bare bones of jazz improvisation, dub-funk rhythms and punk attitude.
42. The Stranglers were the punk band your dad could appreciate; assuming you had a dad, that is.
43. Punk was at its zenith and political and cultural oppositions were intense.
44. Perhaps the reason Zeppelin were so despised after the punk revolution was the fact that they were the ultimate muso band.
45. Edith Whalley, looking like a modern day punk, who auditioned in strict mourning.
46. Others listen to find a rawness and honesty reminiscent of the punk music of their youth.
47. The anarchic music of punk caused public outrage when it first burst upon the scene.
48. Take punk,[] it was all about a tight nucleus of bands who were all mates.
49. Then I saw all these punk bands - and I couldn't believe it.
50. It reminds me of when punk rock used to be somewhat threatening.
51. I never thought of us as a punk band, a metal band, or a new wave band.
52. For one thing, these three women are cheerful and polite, with none of the surliness characterizing other punk rockers.
53. The Pistols were already banned from most established London venues; punk rock's reputation for violence was now beyond redemption.
54. But he ain't some two-bit punk on the run after blowin' some one away.
55. The band's sound was metal and punk and rap all rolled into one.
56. For the rest of us, I suspect, recalling punk rock is a rather self-indulgent activity.
57. Emily is an industrial engineer by day and a punk rock bass guitarist by night.
58. The band went quiet after that, as the punk scene lost momentum.
59. The cult following never translated to mainstream success, and then came punk and it was all too late.
60. This being the early days of punk we looked like complete urchins.