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Pollutant in a sentence

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Sentence count:120Posted:2017-03-14Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: pollutepollutedpollutionthermal pollutiondebutanteinstantaneoussalutaryroll upMeaning: [pə'luːtənt]  n. waste matter that contaminates the water or air or soil. 
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61. Especially, it can clean the oil path and carbureter in working automatically and thus reduce pollutant in tail gas.
62. The pollutant discharging units shall accomplish treatment of the pollution as scheduled.
63. Tigogenin is a byproduct in the hemp-making industry using the sisal, as a castoff, it pricks up environmental pollutant.
64. The application of GIS technology to the process of atmospheric pollutant dispersion modeling were discussed , including boundary definition, initial state, data preparation and result visualization.
65. Pollutant Emission Permit Trading, as a method of environment economy is used in the government administration by market mechanism, by that, there′re a lot of successful cases in developed countries.
66. The occurrence and distribution of Drosicha corpulent a ( Kuwana ) in free - pollutant and conventional apple orchard were studied.
67. The new type sanitary cigarette packing method can avoid the contamination of the filter tip in cigarette caused by pollutant in hand and other pollutant source.
68. Test of organic pollutant removal by electrocoagulation method is introduced in this paper.
69. Phthalic acid ester is a kind of plastication material, as time goes on, it will transfer from plastics to external environment, and now it becomes a widespread global environmental pollutant.
70. The main pollutant indexes in the river are COD and total Hg.
71. It is an important act to set up an automatic monitor - controlling system of pollutant source.
72. You know, artificial boards are a source of the pollutant formaldehyde.
73. Bisphenol A, an endocrine disruptor, has been listed as a priority pollutant by many countries.
74. Depending on the nature of the pollutant, this transfer can be innocuous or stimulatory to the forest.
75. In this thesis, experimental analyses are used to investigatecombustion and pollutant emission performance of anthracite, lean coal, soft coal, lignite and blended coals.
76. Each pollutant on the list is subject to effluent limitations based on the BAT standard.
77. Heavy metal is a secondary pollutant from municipal solid waste incineration system.
78. ELA for petroleum development engineering includes many factors, like all development engineering projects(, oil pollutant is a typical pollutant in ELA for petroleum development projects.
79. The pollution assessment involves the determination of pollutant indexes and pollutant standard values as well as the formulation of calculation modulus.
80. A conceptual design of the identification model for pollutant sources was proposed in this paper.
81. Dibutyl phthalate ( DBP ) has been found as a ubiquitous environmental pollutant with reproductive and developmental toxicity.
82. Discharge pipe take pollutant away from the coastal area into the sea.
83. Different from other semi-dry processes, the removal efficiency of gaseous contaminants drop rapidly while molar ratio of urea and air pollutant was greater than 1.2.
84. In the near future, will have the pollutant discharge control technology ultra supercritical coal-burning power set to become our country electric power industry very quickly the main force unit.
85. These results indicated that the waste water might have strong mutagenic action related to organic pollutant.
86. The aerodynamics during the pulverized coal combustion process plays a very important role in determining processes of coal devolatilization , burnout and pollutant emission.
87. The catalytic oxidation ability of 13 metal ion-exchanged montmorillonites are investigated in oxidative removal of the sulfides which are the main pollutant in the moult and alkali swell waste water.
88. This chapter describes methods of estimating airborne pollutant concentration distrubutions associated with various emission sources.
89. The simulation test can study the movement law of pollutant diffusion under the diffident hydrodynamic condition.
90. Sulfur dioxide has a more venerable history as an air pollutant than any other chemical.
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