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Indebtedness in a sentence

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Sentence count:43Posted:2017-05-11Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: indebtedunexpectednessinterrelatednessrednesstirednessdoggednesswickednesswretchednessMeaning: [ɪn'detɪdnɪs]  n. 1. an obligation to pay money to another party 2. a personal relation in which one is indebted for a service or favor. 
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1, Mortimer recounted his indebtedness to her in his autobiography.
2, The company has reduced its indebtedness to just $15 million.
3, These problems of themselves have increased inflation and indebtedness.
4, Increasing problems of indebtedness meant that railway development could not keep pace with changing population patterns.
5, Its international indebtedness had reached such alarming proportions under the previous Khedive that its Western creditors had become seriously alarmed.
6, Borrowers were refusing to confirm their indebtedness, unauthorised drawings had taken place and other loans were looking suspicious.
7, The incidence of indebtedness continues to rise due to redundancy, unemployment and inflation.
8, Expressions of indebtedness for specific forms of assistance are noted at appropriate points in the text.
9, Every social relationship entails a state of indebtedness just as every state of indebtedness entails a social relationship.
10, Greece has become a symbol of government indebtedness.
11, A security is the evidence of indebtedness or certificate of interest in a profit sharing contract.
12, Yet household indebtedness now stands at 128 per cent of national output.
13, Consumer indebtedness , particularly Anglo - Saxon countries,[] is at record levels.
14, Mr Abe acknowledges the government's indebtedness, now equivalent to 170 % of GDP.
15, A security is the evidence of indebtedness or certificate of interest in a profIt'sharing contract.
16, Including AirTran's existing net indebtedness and capitalized aircraft operating leases, the transaction value is about $3.4 billion, the carriers said.
17, The problem of indebtedness,( such as colleges and universities should be referred to the agenda.
18, The frothy levels of government indebtedness prevailing in developed countries are certainly not reassuring.
19, Credit card balances account for a larger share of that indebtedness than ever.
20, He disregarded the Navigator's diminution of his name, perhaps sensing the undertone, this time, of almost fond indebtedness.
21, Negotiations reconvene one day after the top Republican lawmaker suggested an ambitious effort to trim future indebtedness by more than $4 trillion may be unworkable.
22, Moreover, historically well - run economies are certainly able to support higher levels of public indebtedness very comfortably.
23, At closing, a fee of one percent (1.0%) of the face value of the instrument, and one percent (1.0%) of the gross proceeds of any indebtedness drawn down over the course of the engagement.
24, "Dubai World and its entities account for a very large chunk of the Dubai economy and its indebtedness and we expect Emirates NBD to have a full share of that," Madha said.
25, The undersigned hereby agrees to indemnify and holdharmless for all losses, indebtedness and liabilities arising therefrom.
26, That, in turn, helped the firm to reduce its leverage ratio (the level of indebtedness on its balance sheet), avoid a rating downgrade and appear healthier than it actually was.
27, These agencies are deceptive about work conditions and charge excessive fees that cause indebtedness, Varia said.
28, These covenants generally restrict the use of assets, risk - taking behavior, and future indebtedness.
29, Under the different buying-selling exchange mechanism forms, the fluctuation of international indebtedness will have different impact on money supply of a country.
30, There's a wonderful work of literary criticism -- I mentioned it last time --on Milton's indebtedness to Spenser in the book by John Guillory called Poetic Authority.
More similar words: indebtedunexpectednessinterrelatednessrednesstirednessdoggednesswickednesswretchednesspreparednesskindnesswednesdayash wednesdayboldnesscoldnesscandidnesssadnessmadnessgladnessmildnessgoodnessfondnessloudnesshardnessweirdnessstaidnessforwardnessshrewdnessawkwardnessfor goodness sakedebt
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